Mindwar profile picture


About Me

The history of Mindwar;
-May 2007: Dieter Guldemont (ex-Juthika) and Tim De Meyer start Mindwar.
-September 2007: Kristof Verhavert joins the band on guitar, Didi takes the bass and the vocals. The first gig is at Scumfest I.
-Oktober 2007: Rajan Janssens (ex-Juthika, ex-Wreckage) joins as a second guitarist, both him and Kristof play leadguitar. They start to write new songs and improve the old songs.
-April 2008: Tim deceides to quit the band, all gigs are cancelled.
-May 2008: Thomas Steppe becomes the new drummer, the band starts to work as hard as possible to make up for the lost gigs. The shows with Thomas are a succes, the sound becomes heavyer and they create an own style. In september Mindwar enters the studio to record some songs, thx to Freddy (Sanseveria Studio).
-Oktober 2008: Rajan takes a 3 month trip to India, the band takes a break, and when Rajan returns they start writing new songs that will be played at the something's wrong tour.
-March 2009: after a time of silence Mindwar drops the bomb with the frist gig of 2009 at Stockwood, blowing everything away, and forget about their downs they had since the start in 2007. Mindwar was back, and how!
August 2009: Kristof quits the band. Matthias from Indemnity helps Mindwar out with the upcoming gigs.
Oktober 2009: Thomas De Koster (ex-load your guns) joins Mindwar on guitar. Again Mindwar is complete.
We want to thank everyone who has supported us since the beginning. We also want to say thanks to the people who booked us and also the bands we've played with for the friendship and help. A special thanks to our crew (Jeast, Rudger, Vercammen en Stijn VDB) and to al the groupies for not showing up!
Past shows;
10/19/2007 - Scumfest I
03/08/2008 - Olympia’s Rockfest
03/29/2008 - JH Avilo
10/04/2008 - The Steamer
10/10/2008 - JH Stam X
10/17/2008 - JK Zomaar
04/25/2009 - Stockwood
05/16/2009 - DBA night
07/03/2009 - Thrash Demonium
08/08/2009 - Minirock 2009
08/08/2009 - Barrock (NL)
08/30/2009 - The Frontline
10/17/2009 - Let's Get Wasted
10/24/2009 - The Pit
10/31/2009 - BaRRock (NL)
12/04/2009 - Steel Crusade Otzenhausen (GER)
12/05/2009 - Thrash Mayhem
Former Bandmembers;
Tim De Meyer (Drums)
Kristof Verhavert (Guitar)

My Interests


Member Since: 09/10/2007
Band Website: www.myspace.com/mindwarthrash
Band Members: Bass & Vocals: Dieter 'Didi-licious' Guldemont
Guitar: Rajan 'Sjaanses' Janssens

Drums: Thomas 'zattebezze' Step
Guitar: Thomas 'DK' De Koster

Sound: Jeast
Samples/Make-up: Eperios
Security: VDB
Special support: Tommeken
Influences: Exodus, Pantera, Channel Zero, Megadeth, Suicidal Tendencies, Slayer, Death Angel, Anthrax, Testament, Sacred Reich, Municipal Waste...
Sounds Like: Mindwar
Record Label: Natekens Records 'bij Cecile en François'

My Blog

New website, crew almost complete..

what's up thrashers,In our last blog we were looking for people to help us out.Our 'crew' has already two new members:Peter Willems is our new webmaster and soon you can find more mindwar on WWW.MINDW...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Jan 2010 02:38:00 GMT

Mindwar 2010

What's up thrashers,Mindwar is ondertussen compleet voor 2010;Thomas De Koster (ex-load your guns) is onze nieuwe gitarist.Momenteel werken we aan nieuw materiaal voor onze eerste full-cd.see you soon...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 14:11:00 GMT

Mindwar needs Crew!

What's up thrashers,Wij zoeken mensen voor onze band te supporten;wie zoeken we;- bandfotograaf: gratis mee naar de optredens, eten en drinken inc + vergoeding.-artworker: maken van logo's, merchandis...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 14:06:00 GMT

New guitarist

What's up thrashers,We've got a new guitarist since this week.He's a 17-year old shreddingmachine from hell: Thomas DCWe've started rehearsel with Thomas, and as soon as we're ready, we'll drag him on...
Posted by on Fri, 23 Oct 2009 02:16:00 GMT

Mindwar needs...

What's up,We're looking for a new guitarplayer since K left. Matthias from indemnity is helping us out at the time, but we need our own, steady member.If you can play loud, mean, fast and dirty (and s...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Sep 2009 03:02:00 GMT

Belgian Thrash Compilation

What's up thrashers,Mindwar is on the new BTC with 'payback'. You can order the tape if you want, justsend us a message on the myspace and we'll figure it out.There are 16 Belgian bands on the tape, s...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Sep 2009 02:52:00 GMT

K leaves Mindwar

hi guys,we're letting you know that Kristof our guitarist has deceided to leave the band.We'll have to search a new guitarplayer, but we'll be there on the tour.Cu soonMindwar
Posted by on Sun, 16 Aug 2009 15:33:00 GMT


What's up thrashers,This summer we'll start our 'SOMETHING'S WRONG TOUR'.The Something's wrong EP is coming out september this year.We'll have cd's and merchandise for sale at the gigs in fall.We will...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 01:25:00 GMT

Stockwood 2009

What's up thrashers,Mindwar sleepte de publieksprijs in de wacht op stockwood 2009, iedereen bedankt die ons heeft gesteund en onze pit-brothers, dikke merci voordeze thrash-show. GreetzMindwar
Posted by on Sun, 26 Apr 2009 08:40:00 GMT

Mindwar 2009

what's up thrashers,We're back..for payback. No, not really. We'll be releasing a single called "Payback" around may.We have some gigs, so come and check out our new songs. hope to see you all there,M...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Apr 2009 16:18:00 GMT