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Some things you maybe didn't know about me:
Movie lover - Yes i am
Nightperson - Oh yeah, totally
Aries , OX (chinese), The Rain (Atzek horoscope ) Number 5 (numerology), Hazel (druid horoscope) - That's the way it is
Love Coffee - yummy.. the first cup in the morning are the best one
Animal lover - love animals, those who abuse animals should get the same treatment and prison for 10 years!
Humor ,sometimes a little pervert humor.. but not in a bad way. - know my humor is a little weird
Friendly .. most of the times.. i treat others the way i want to be treated yes and- that's how it should be. if you treat me bad, i treat you bad too
Honest: i just cant lie. - and that's true.. i can't lie!
NOt a mathematician - hate math!
Believe in a life after this - Yes i believe we live many lifes and learn something form each life too
Poemwriter - Yes, i have a lot of poems , and it's a good way to get thoughts out of head
Hot temper - me? .. oh yeah!.. but it doesn't last long
Tomboy - always been, i'm not prudish and girlish.. not afriad to do get dirty! !
strong opinions - kind of, i think a lot about many things, but i also stand with my opinion if someone disagree
Bad memory - very bad, don't remember where i parked my car sometimes when i have been shopping
Social when i feel good, not social when i'm down - quiet and calm when i'm sad, mad or down, social, happy and humoristic when i'm feeling good
Very strong body language - you can read my mood by looking at my body and eyes.. my eyes get black when i'm angry..and my body get mad and furious too
Dangerous in traffic: Full step on the gas - well it's a miracle it hasn't been any accidents yet.. but i doesn't doubt there will be sometday.. i just can't take it easy!
Restless - mhmmm.. and i hate it
Speak first, think later - yeah...hate that too, brings me in to difficult situations sometimes
Beer lover - Finnish beer.. oh my.. gold for the belly!
Freedom lover - yes, don't like when people tell me what to do, or when someone make me feel bad for things i like to do just because they don't can handle to be alone for a minute, want me to be around all the time.. na-a... not in my world thanks!
Natural, never use a lot of make up-God made me this way.. and i accept it - yes, of course i use make up sometimes, but never when i'm at work.. not a lot of makeup even to partys.. i have accepted i look this way and make up doesn't make it better. just worse in couple of years and also because i don't want to be a user of botox when im in my 50's!
Don't like arrogant people - nope i don't.. you can tell a opinion or something not so nice in a nice way .. don't have to sound like king of the world when talking to another human.
Passionated - Yes, my element is fire because i'm aries.. fire is known for passion, and i'm very passioneted in evrything i want to do.
Fall for dark haired men mostly - yes, it's a little crazy that a hair color allow us to choose or not to choose a partner, nothing wrong with lighthaired men.. but i often fall for the dark ones.
like to talk - i do, but when i'm in mood for it.. i can be quiet like a mouse also.. but when i start to talk.. nothing can stop me
Nicknames: Mia, Mary and Barbie (because of my legs) - Mia have i been called since i was born... Mary and Barbie is names people have given me later in life.
Bad temper in the mornings - Yes, sometimes i get scared of myself.. you avoid it how?.."just let me be angry for a time, dont talk or look a me, then i get happy again after a while"