a, affection, air, art, bag o' smell, boiz, bowling, bubbles, bubble wrap, bugs, cars, carpet, cd's, colors, different, dogs, eyes, food, fun, friends, football, giggles, goods, gum, gymnastics, happiness, hugs, hearts, hemp, igloos, juice, jungle fever, kangaroos, kindness, k*mart, knickers,kissing, lint, lemonade, llamas, lemmings, mars, mistakes, minds, moods, my boy, nickles, necklaces, opposites, outside, puppies, potatoes, ponds, pictures, rockin, rugbee, rump, running, raves, suckers, snickers, steamy, sanity, tugs, tickles, tongues, umbrellas, ufo's, uniqueness, undercover, underwear, velcrow, watermelon, water, whoopie, yuppies, yarballs, zoo's, zebra's, .....yeah ok im done. You get it.
J Judicial
I Innocent
L Little
L Light
I Insane
A Adventurous
N New
Name / Username:
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
anyone and everyone. But no weirdo's. or creeps.
Rock, Punk, Rap, Hip hop, Oldies, pretty much everthing, even a little country now. I love music. I cant get enough of it. Its pretty closes to life.
The Pest, Nightmare Before Christmas, Fight Club, Darkness Falls, The sixth Sense, Charlie and the Choc. Factory, Meet the Fockers, Van Wilder, The Boondock Saints, Batman, little Monsters, etc. Most all Movies.
Dont have and dont watch tv.
Dont really like to read much..