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About Me

Hey I'm miindee i love to play all kids of sports
i hate drama all together.i use to go to cortez high but....
know I'm being home schooled.I have alot of amazing people in my life
one of them would be my boyfriend.
his name is gary and he is every tihng to me.@nd is slex we just met but she is so cool.seriously
we both think and say each others sentences
#rd is mike this guy is like my brother we have been through so much its crazy
And last but.. not least ben
know its funny me and him have had some big fites but hes still a good friend no matter what .

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

friendship is some thing you hold on you dont through it away
over a guy or a man or even over drama
you work through it. because one day you will
relize that friend you let go
was the only one who understood you
in the first place
but one thing that will stay is your family
so dont try in fuck over them becuase one day you will need them
work your ardest through everything
forgive the unforgiven and learn from them
never lie to your man cuz
it will come back at you
try and have respect for people you once new
cuz when your
working at burgerking
they will laugh at you . you wont be the one loughing them
money dsoesnt just come to you
you got to work for it

My Blog

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