clubbing, music, having fun.. laugh laugh laugh and dancing, Created @
and soooooooo much more... :)
hmmmm.........a Hobbit..aaaaaaaannnnnnnndddddd grrr Hugh Jackman ^^ Jack Sparrow ;) that..s da man^^ or Jared Leto... mhhhhhhh or the King, Elvis... Mr. Sinatra or Mr. Martin :)aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnndddddhehe... Mr. Simon Conwell XD hes soooooo cool^^
My Chemical Romance, bullet for my valentine, Maroon 5, 3 doors down, Elvis, Frank Sinatra, Will Smith, sisqo, Linkin Park, Blink 182, Pink, Caliban, Billy Talent, Pussycats, Panic at the disco, Dean Martin, Timbaland, Foo Fighters, Kelly Clarkson, Seeed, Dick Brave, Danko Jones, The Backbeats, James Morrison, lord of the rings soundtrack, x-men- music... hmm schätzkens lala ;) danke mein wollschweinjaeger ;) und einfach alles was meinen ohrchen gefaellt especially Swing :)
lord of the rings.. what a stupid question^^ ;) pirates of the Caribbean and x-menamerican pie 1-3, the grren mile, from dusk till dawn, honey, lord of the weed^^ streetstyle soul plane not another teen movie PARTY ANIMALS yeahaaa stupid shit^^
Hosted at
Doc House, Monk, x-men evolution, simpsons, charmed,lost, tv total, wm countdown mit oli ^^, south park... emorangers^^ HOME AND AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ant and Dec Shows... AMerican Idol.... X FActor
the lord of the rings :) I love it..^^
my Sis :) and people who fight 4 their targets