olilom profile picture


About Me

hello. this profile was made for me to have access to band pages easier, book shows, and of course communicate with bands without having to trudge through the pages and pages of real friends and phony friends on myspace. i am a a-ok show booker and would have no problem helping bands book shows in the houston area. i am recently trying to book shows in other places(by this i mean austin and also in other states), but of course it takes time. all i ask for is cooperation and support from the bands who i add as well as bands that ask for my aid in booking their shows. i book shows for free because for a long time i've been under the impression art should be a free thing. when i say art i am not just talking about goya and lichenstein and warhol art, i am talking about the creative things that come from the human soul/spirit/being that are but not limited to music, paintings, writing, sculpture, tattooing, dancing and any other things that are vents from the inner body to the outside world of creativity. i like people who create because they love it, not because it makes money. i like people who create and love it and want to talk about it, not because it makes money. that is why i book shows for free and support oh oh productions(www.myspace.com/ohohproductions), another sight in which shows are booked for free and bands are supported. thank you for your time in reading this, and keep creating wonderdust!
[email protected]
[email protected]

-If number or address is needed, please let me know in an email or message on Myspace.
Musicians and friends, if you are looking for a show, please send me a message on myspace as well as an email, it is much easier for me to keep up with things in an email, but obviously easier for you to get in touch with me on Myspace. Thank you.
Attention, please:
I, Chan, the runner of Olilom, has had a bunch of things to do that mostly revolve around an art exhibit that I am curating for the end of March. That is why I have not been logged into this page and I do apologize. Please please bear with me. Another free-booking promotion page that is very very good is OhOhProductions(on my Top Friends). They do a very good job and could help you way more than I could at this point. Thanks and keep making great art.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

people who make art for arts sake and create for creations sake.

My Blog

Television Skies, Babbelfish, Wolves at the Door-December 6th

So, I am fresh from the show, and I will miss the end, but the part I did see was splendiferous. Once again, I was accompanied by Carlie and Anissa, but this time we planned to be together. Babel fish...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 20:32:00 GMT

Television Skies-November 30th

So, Friday night I was unexpectedly, as always, hanging out with Carlie and Anissa, and we went to the Television Skies show at Notsuoh. Now, first of all, I had never been to Notsuoh's before, so goi...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 09:30:00 GMT