Member Since: 8/19/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:Oh.....Just me, but I've had my friends like Jeff "Kamel" Campbell, Mike "gringo" Grace, JIMBO, Donald "AWOL" Wall, Riley "RONIN" Rone, Alex "phenom" Sisco and afew others record with me here at my home and in the studio. I hope to release my first full disc once I can wrap my hands around my Warr guitar.
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Influences: LIFE & LOVE, "The Force", family, lies, let-down, happy & saddness, unjustice, greed, demons & angles, submissions, sexy girls and angry men, clowns that cry, good food & drink, my older dog "Royler" & my puppy "Gabby", those who fight wars that should not be, SEX & DRUGS and all the lil'things that make you well........ME....
Sounds Like: Moments of my life........
Record Label: no thanx
Type of Label: Indie