amute profile picture


Slow down, think & enjoy your time here bro!

About Me

" I must not Fear . Fear is the mindkiller . Fear is the little-death thatbrings total obliteration . I will face my fear . I will permit it to pass over andthrough me . And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path .Where the fear has gone there will be nothing . ONLY I WILL REMAIN . " ************************************************************ ***** Posted a new track today (5/22/08) I named it "Ambush". I found the hardest thing about recording this tune was going through footage of ambushes and fire fights, hearing and seeing the horror that is war and knowing these are guys and gals just like me but better, stronger and willing to do what I only have nightmares about. It's sick and sad that we as humans still must kill or be killed the fact that we as an "advanced race" still would even allow war to happen. Now I understand it's human nature to want more to lie, say or do one thing to set-up another. We can also point the finger at religon, after all it's crazy fuckers killing for A god that has ended more lives than most anything else. But I'll leave that subject alone till I write another tune...maybe about that. :) I Strongly wish only the best for ALL the men & women through out the world in combat of any kind at any time. War is wrong! It seems my wonderful country is always involved in it. Just like that damn girl on the Flavor Flav 3 show, she's ALWAYS fighting with the other girls and it's always for someone else's betterment. She just fights bro! She's rotten and a poison, I'd armlock her if i got the chance! LOL!! Oh well............."God Bless American!" Cause we're gonna need it. Bring the boys back home!!!***************************************************** ***********TWO WARR GUITARS, 8 & 14 Strings and a drummer. More soon. A quick view recorded 5/18/08 ************************************************************ **** I Just want to say THANK YOU to all my friends & training partners for the positive support and kind words. I'm very blessed to have a great place to train with a killer team and at the same time an amazing band. If this is a dream I don't want to wake-up. Thank you again for the support!**************************************************** ********************* Well.... I'm from Modesto Ca. I've been recording my music since 1997 under the name "Amute". I love music, art, romance, being on time, drinking with my dad in the kitchen, submissions with options, rare chances, Cartoons, The way Dirtfire talks about music, Blues! Traditional Martial Arts as well as Mixed Martial Arts, Warr Guitars, Fender strats, boobies, StarWars, my two dogs & those I'm lucky enough to call my friends. Most of all though the love of my life & better half Jamie Fender. If she killed me today I'd understand. You'll know when someone's right for you....Trust me.I make music with the band DIRTFIRE. Checkout my web-site for abit more info on me & my music/life. But It's nothing magic so don't cross your toes. Timmy "WR" Durand. We love and miss you more everyday. Life's pace is worth trying to swim against just don't worry too much about going under or it's bound to happen anyway...Oh and never give your fucking back god-damn it!!! LOL.. width="400" height="350" ..

My Interests


Member Since: 8/19/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:Oh.....Just me, but I've had my friends like Jeff "Kamel" Campbell, Mike "gringo" Grace, JIMBO, Donald "AWOL" Wall, Riley "RONIN" Rone, Alex "phenom" Sisco and afew others record with me here at my home and in the studio. I hope to release my first full disc once I can wrap my hands around my Warr guitar. ..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5
Influences: LIFE & LOVE, "The Force", family, lies, let-down, happy & saddness, unjustice, greed, demons & angles, submissions, sexy girls and angry men, clowns that cry, good food & drink, my older dog "Royler" & my puppy "Gabby", those who fight wars that should not be, SEX & DRUGS and all the lil'things that make you well........ME....
Sounds Like: Moments of my life........
Record Label: no thanx
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Extinction Agenda song info.

3/27/08 I feel kindda funny cause I don’t often post a blog but I’d like to explain a little about the new song I posted and why I felt I needed to allow folks to hear it. So here goes. &n...
Posted by amute on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 02:06:00 PST