NEWS: I have just released a live, acoustic album called The Blackout Sessions, which is on sale both as a physical CD from my online store or as a download from itunes .
Hello there, my name is Dave. A year ago I started a band and decided to call it Blue Skies. It was actually a little more than a year ago now, we'll just call that 'number 1' in the list of factual inaccuracies that I've no doubt will appear in this bio. I can however promise you that my name is Dave.
So I like music. I like it a lot. Some days it's all that gets me out of bed. Other days I use the genius that is the wireless mouse to control itunes from my bed thus negating the need to get out of it.
As soon as the band started (I call it a band, even though I'm the only one that does anything, but I do like to think everyone I've ever met is in it. If you're pedantic you can call that number 2 on the list) I set up this page and similar ones on other websites across this big old space of interwebs. One in particular seems to have 'taken off' as they say. It's over on
YouTube , a place where I like to upload videos of me singing my songs, and other people's songs, and sometimes just talking about stuff. A lot more people watch these videos than I expected, and so unfortunately this and other web pages do suffer some neglect as I spend most of my time over there. But at least I'm giving you a nice new bio, right myspace? Yeh you ungrateful bastard.
So music on here, videos on youtube I suppose the last place of great importance (number 3) is my blog . That's where I write things down. I believe that's pretty standard.
Oh I also have a facebook page and Twitter for anyone who uses those. You can only get your stalking badge if you add/follow/touch inappropriately/subscribe to me on every one of my sites, and that's not an easy thing to do, for example I only recently discovered I have a page.
I'm going to wrap this up by leaving you with an email address at which you can send me... well, emails. Feel free to attach pictures that I can upload to this album . I do love that album.
Here it comes, are you ready... Got a pen and paper? Ok...
[email protected]
I do try my best to reply (number 4) but sometimes it takes me a while, and sometimes it just never happens.
bye for now. x
p.s. Here's a video for the song 'What's Wrong?'
p.p.s If you want to see me play in your town/city hit the demand it button...
View all Blue Skies tour dates
And finally, here's a little music widget. If you click on the ⌘ you can share it with people, please do that!
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