REALITA is a project of individuals cooperating freely, considering following issues:
1) protection and rescue of animals
2) advocating the right for resistance, disobedience and necessary defence
3) propaganda of vegan culture
REALITA is focusing on animals that are in the threat at this moment.
REALITA emphasizes the value of individual lifes more than the value of animal (humans included) species.
REALITA doesn..t adopt the peoples.. pretension to own other animals.
The protection and the rescue of animals
The animals aren..t ours, they aren..t possession no matter the social norms either the traditional ones (rising and stabilizing spontaneously within human common life) nor the legislative ones.
Because the life is more important than these norms, REALITA considers to be positive not to respect these norms if they punish life, health or restrict freedom in different reasons than to protect them.
Advocating the right for resistance, disobedience and necessary defence
The right for resistance and disobedience is one of the human..s base rights towards the social norms. So is the right for defence.
Every living being has the right to defend in order to avoid exploitation, torture or kill. Because human is able to live quality life without holding and killing other animals as a source of food, investigation or entertainment, there is no reason to hold or kill the animals.
REALITA prefers the victims of such acting prior to those, who parasite on them.
Definition of the necessary defence:
Necessary defence is the act punishable in some ways, the act which averts directly threatining or lasting attack.
Defender protect the life or health from physical attack by this act.
Defender is legitimate not only to selfdefence, but also to defend others in the same range as he/she would defend him/herself.
The purpose of this defence is to get the afflicted one out of the reach and/or sphere of influence of the attacker or the group of attackers.
The propagation and the support of activism
REALITA acknowledges the human..s right to be active as well as to be passive in the relation to him/herself and the other relations.
Because the passivity gives the space for violation no matter its needfulness, we choose to be active in aspirations to reduce and stop such violence.
REALITA propagates and suppports the individual and also group activism, if it isn..t oriented for propagation and advocacy of violence because of belonging to foreign animal species, foreign sexuality, differencies in sexual orientation or different skin color.
The state institutions and organs
REALITA does not cooperate with any state represive institutions and organs.
Veganism isn..t everything
Despite all the misery, pain and killing of nonhumans is important not to forget that the world isn..t just about this.
REALITA je projekt volne spolupracujÃcÃch individualit zabývajÃcà se:
1) ochranou a záchranou zvÃrat
2) obhajobou práva na odpor, neposlu,,nost a nutnou obranu
3) propagacà veganské kultury
REALITA se soustredà na zvÃrata, která jsou v ohrozenà v tomto okamziku.
REALITA vÃce nez hodnotu zivocisného druhu zduraznuje hodnotu individuálnÃch zivotu.
REALITA neuznává nárok lidà vlastnit jiná zvÃrata.
Ochrana a záchrana zvÃrat
ZvÃrata nejsou nase, nejsou majetek a to bez ohledu na spolecenské normy, at uz zvykové (vznikajÃcà a upevnujÃcà se spontáne v rámci lidského souzità ) nebo legislativnÃ.
Protoze zivot je dulezitejsà nez tyto normy povazuje REALITA za pozitivnà tyto normy nerespektovat tam, kde poskozujà zivot, zdravà nebo omezujà svobodu z duvodu jiných nez je jejich ochrana.
Obhajoba práva na odpor, neposlu,,nost a nutnou obranu
Právo na odpor a neposlu,,nost je jednÃm ze základnÃch práv cloveka vuci spolecenským normám. Stejne i právo na obranu.
Kazdý zivý tvor má právo na obranu, aby unikl zneuzÃvánÃ, týránà nebo zabitÃ. Proto,,e clovek je schopen kvalitnÃho zivota aniz by drzel a zabÃjel jiná zvÃrata, at jiz jako zdroj potravy nebo zkoumánà nebo zábavy, tak nenà duvodu, aby tak cinil.
REALITA preferuje ve své práci obeti takého konánà pred temi, kdo na nich parazitujÃ.
Definice nutné obrany:
Nutná obrana je cin jinak trestný, kterým se odvracà prÃmo hrozÃcà nebo trvajÃcà útok.
Obránce/obránkyne svým jednánÃm chránà zivot nebo zdravà proti fyzickému útoku.
Obránce/obránkyne je oprávnen nejen k sebeobrane, ale i k obrane jiných ve stejném rozsahu v jakém by chránil sebe sama.
CÃlem této obrany je dostat postizeného/postizenou z dosahu a/nebo sféry vlivu útocnÃka/útocnice nebo útocÃcÃch.
Propagace a podpora aktivismu
REALITA uznává právo cloveka být aktivnà i právo cloveka být pasivnà ve vztahu k sobe i mimo sebe.
Protoze pasivita dává prostor k násilà bez ohledu na jeho potrebu, volÃme být aktivnà ve snaze zmÃrnit a zastavit takové násilÃ.
REALITA propaguje a podporuje aktivismus individuálnà i skupinový pokud nenà zamerený na propagaci a obhajobu násilà z duvodu rozdÃlnosti tela, at uz v prÃslu,,nosti k jinému zivocisnému druhu, jinému pohlavÃ, jiné sexuálnà orientaci nebo jiné barve kuze.
Státnà instituce a orgány
REALITA nespolupracuje se státnÃmi represivnÃmi institucemi a orgány.
Veganstvà nenà vsechno
Pres vsechnu bÃdu, trápenà a zabÃjenà mimolidà je dulezité nezapomÃnat, ze svet nenà jen o tomhle.