Salt Lake Elite profile picture

Salt Lake Elite

About Me

The Salt Lake Elite is a new ReAL Salt Lake Fan Club! This club is for those RSL fans who are truly dedicated to supporting our boys win or lose, unlike the “loyalist” who are a bunch of fair-weather fans. Win, lose or draw the SLE stand behind ReAL at every game! With a new team, a new stadium, and a new found focus the SLE is the new club to join.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Kyle Beckerman Nikolas Besagno Chris Brown Kyle Brown Steven Curfman Kenny Cutler Alecko Eskandarian Fabian Espindola Robbie Findley Willis Forko Atiba Harris Duke Hashimoto Christian Jimenez Jean-Martial Kipre Dustin Kirby Ritchie Kotschau Chris Lancos Matias Mantilla Javier Morales Yura Movsisyan Eddie Pope Kyle Reynish Nick Rimando Chris Seitz Jack Stewart Nathan Sturgis Carey Talley Jamie Watson Andy Williams Chris Wingert Jason Kreis Jeff Cassar Brian Johnson Robin Fraser Dan Barlow Jake Joachim (JC) Perea Kevin Harter

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