finding weird movies, discovering new music, attempting to learn Tuvan throat singing, playing digeridoo, playing guitar, artificial intelligence, philospophy, art, surrealism, playing poker, learning to snowboard, scaring children, swearing around kids, exercising
Pretty much anybody I guess...
I enjoy any music that resonates with my bleak view of the world. Profile
I am one of those people who enjoys the horror movies that disturb everyone else. I enjoy foreign horror films as well as good, non-generic films that come out in the states. I also like weird movies like David Lynch films, etc.
Various sports mostly. I don't like TV too much.
American Psycho, The Iliad, Catch 22, Heart of Darkness, Death in the Andes, The Metamorphosis, 1984, The Wasp Factory
I don't have anyone I'd really describe as a personal hero.