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About Me

i use to dj under the name of pink & black record hop,booked and deejayed along side some of the top rockin" bands going ie. alphabets, backbeats, baltimores, big boy bloater & his southside stompers, big six, bob & the bearcats, cobras, darrel higham & the enforcers, firebirds, hicksville bombers,jello sal, jets, jive aces, kid rocker, ranch girls,red peters & her solid senders, restless, rockin" barracudas, rover boys,switchblade, tennessee rhythm rider, and the untamed. sorry if i have missed anyone? but can i just say it was a great pleasure being along side these great bands, and wish them all the success whatever they do

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i have met loads of great people in the past and hope to continue to do so. love the rockin" crowd its like a big family. also would like to meet my daughter stacey xx

My Blog


May 8th: Jack Rabbit Slim B.W.CJune 13th: Alldayer: Slim, slip & the sliders, Red Thunder, and Western Electric B.W.C July 11th: The Roof Raisers B.W.CAugust 8th: Drugstore Cowboys TBC - B.W.CSeptembe...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Jan 2009 01:49:00 GMT