fashon, fashonable things, bratwurst, leinenkugel, high top fades, german engineering, synthesizers, sour kraut, reconstructed u boats from the second world war, the legend of the erlkonig, people named dieter, garish moustaches, anyone from zee villiage people, especially zat cowboy. bauhaus zee movement, zee school, and zee band. and, well you know zee ocasional moustache party, ich möchte bei einem sein im Augenblick!!!
anyone who is as into fashon as i am, itz der guter.
fashon television, 24/7 zee best part about living in gods america.zee only vay im getting married iz if someone gives me a diamond like zis. take notes.
who needs zem when you have fashon?take zat unfashionables, take it right in zee ass.
batman for bringing back zee cape and zee multipurpose belt. oh and high tops.now ZAT is fashon!