Terri Rasile-Grosso profile picture

Terri Rasile-Grosso

About Me

The Widow's Song
Sung by Terri Rasile-Grosso
Written by A. J. Schmid
Flutist: Florence Estrin
Arranger: Robert Estrin
It’s the night before the battle,
He is far away from home.
Will he see tomorrow’s sunset?
Will he die there all alone?
He has seen the bodies lying,
He has heard the wounded moan.
Will he see the next moon rising?
Is he ever coming home.
Oh the canons sound with fury,
They have killed the blue bird’s song
My heart is filled with longing,
Will he die there all alone?
He shot a man in self-defense.
He heard the shattered bone.
Tears streaked his face with sorrow.
Is he ever coming home?
He’ll not see tomorrow’s sunset,
He’ll not see the next moon rise.
A bullet came to claim him.
He forever closed his eyes.
Flute Interlude
He’ll not see tomorrow’s sunset,
He’ll not see the next moon rise.
A bullet came to claim him.
He forever closed his eyes.
He bled upon the hillside,
His body growing cold.
He left his life behind him.
No loving hand to hold.
He perished for his country.
He died all alone.
A flag now drapes his coffin.
Today, he’s coming home.

Copyright 2006

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Member Since: 08/10/2007
Record Label: Unsigned

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