My Blog
Something doesn't add up.......
I recently found out my grandfather, who I live with, has breast cancer. Which is extremely rare, of all breast cancer victims only 1% are males and of that 1% of males, only 1% has potentially deadly...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Apr 2009 16:54:00 GMT
Yeah if ur readin this it probably has something to do with you, who knows. I'm over all the bullshit of people who say they want an adult relationship and then are actually whores. LUCKILY, I've move...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Apr 2009 17:54:00 GMT
R.I.P. Michael
So.... My uncle mike died this morning, its kinda weird to think someone you've lived with almost your entire life wont be coming home anymore.... sorry if I act weird for the next week or so, don't t...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Feb 2009 09:55:00 GMT
My brother the Love Guru...........
Conversation I had with my younger brother yesterday:David: "Have you ever been "in love"?"Me: "No, I don't believe in that type of love."David: "Why? Just because our parents are divorced or somethin...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 09:38:00 GMT
Why don't the newscasters cry when they read about people who die?
"Why don't the newscasters cry when they read about people who die? At least they could be decent enough to put just a tear in their eyes Mama said It's just make believe You cant believe everything y...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jan 2009 16:12:00 GMT
So, I've been talking to a lot of my guy friends and just from my past experiences i've awaken to the realization that monogamy is somewhat inconceiveable for males. It's like they have a chemical imb...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 08:16:00 GMT
So, as if the heavens opened up and blasted a thousand meteors into my skull, I have just come into the sudden, yet sublminal, realization that every act between humans is in some way eros in a subtle...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 20:26:00 GMT
XXXStaight Edge OddXXX
So I was at Kmart the other day and as I'm about to get out of my car to walk inside I see three teenage boys walk out. All three boys were scene kids or what the fuck ever BUT one of them was a littl...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 22:00:00 GMT
Insomnia will be the death of me........
So, it's like 1am and I again can't sleep. I don't quite know what I can do about this. I've tried everything. I've tried the whole "sleeping pill" thing, I just get fucked up. I've tried talking to a...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 22:35:00 GMT
Mother's Day BOOOOO!!!!!
So today is mother's day and even though my actual mother is alive I dislike mother's day because my grandmother is dead. Now you may think "But she was just your grandma, old people die." B...
Posted by on Sun, 13 May 2007 17:06:00 GMT