~SunnyBunny~ profile picture


If You Love Something Give It Away

About Me

................"Emancipate Yourself From Mental Slavery, None But Ourselves Can Free Our Mind." .................LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL Hi my name is Kimura aka SunnyBunny. I am one of the most unique people you will ever meet. I love tennis, swimming, surfing, and all that jazz. I have piercings I never ware, clothes that still have tags and a life only one can have and love. I am totally not emo I just love black, pixi hair, art and anatomy. I have always wanted to be a Pathologist because I know I would be awesome at it and love it. One day I will change the world for the better, at the moment I'm not sure how but I will. I like to help others and give them direction. In life there is no such thing as "perfect" and "boundaries". Possibilities are limitless!
The universe is our canvas and we wield all the utensils to paint our dreams. We are all a barbie in a pollypocket world, by that I mean we can manipulate ourselves into any situation we want. We create our world each day at a time. If you have a dream believe it and own it and it will soon be reality. The universe is a genie and we make the commands! I find most of my strength's in religion. I have no devout stance, I just revere in the conceptualization of selflessly surrendering everything about one self for good. Regardless of what religion is right, the principles are all the same. Live life with no fear, anguish and hatred. Love your self and your enemy, have admiration and tolerance for life and it's terms. I forgive all those who have ever lead me in temptation of any inadmissible demeanor. If I were to ask one thing of the world it would be to not get stuck on drugs. They are the root of all evil and misconception of reality. It is a crutch of decrepitude in ones' character, alot of people who do drugs are nothing and have nothing. Also, Don't smoke! Keep your lung nice and pink. If you need a habbit, pick up working out at the gym. ..SAVE THE EARTH! PIZZA ROCKS! I LVOE MUSIC!-i have hated and have loved- -i have broken and have mended- -i have fought and have been hurt- -i have been lost and been saved- -I have surrendered and not forsaken- Thank you God

My Interests

I LOVE ART, PHOTOGRAPHY, and FASHION! I love the HUMAN BODY, I think it is the most BEAUTIFUL thing on EARTH. The WONAN figure is the most beautiful of ALL. Our body is a DEVINE peice of ART work granted to us by GOD. I love the AESTHETICS of the world. I find BLISS in the most DIMINUTIVE things in the world like a glimps of a SMILE or eloquent words that make you think or DEVINE situations that make you say, "Wow, that was ment to happen for a REASON." I love animals, I think everyone should have one to LIVE longer.

I'd like to meet:

WHAT IS YOU CARBON FOOTPRINT!LET'S MAKE A CHANGE!.."Don't take anyone for granted b/c you might wake up one day and realize that you've lost a diamond while you were busy collecting stones"Are we to love only those who deserve our love? Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven.This is my face, covered in freckles with an occasional spot and some veins. This is my body, covered in skin, and not all of it you can see And, this, is my mind, it goes over and over the same old lines And, this, is my brain, it's torturous analytical thoughts make me go insaneAnd I use mouthwash Sometimes I floss I got a family And I drink lots of teaI've got nostalgic don't know I've got familar faces I've got a mixed-up memory And I've got favourite placesAnd I'm sitting at home on a Friday night and I hope everything's going to be alrightThis is my face, I've got a thousand opinions and not the time to explain And this is my body, and no matter how you try and disable it, I'll still be here And, this, is my mind, and although you try to infringe you cannot confine And, this, is my brain, and even if you try and hold me back there's nothing that you can gain


I have an appreciation for all music. Flight of the Conchords.....Primus, Pink Floyd, Modest Mouse, Sublime, NoDoubt, Outcast, Pouges, Weepies, Bright eyes, Catch22, Bob Marley, Whitestripes, SilversunPickups..all that jazz..,Folk, Rock, Alternative, Indie, Pop, Ambient, Classical, Jazz, Funk,Experimental, Metal, Instrumental, Soul, Rap, Electro, Melodramatic, Psychedelic, Hip-Hop, Punk, Ghettotech, Hardcore, Latin, Regae, R&B, Blues, Acoustic, and much more...


Across The Universe!!!!1GoodLuck Chuck, Fear and Loathing, Bambie, American History X, Fight Culb, The Secret,What the Bleep, Donnie Darko, Million Dollar Baby, Apocalypto, Pans Labyrinth, Pulp Fiction, Pink Floyd the Wall, Goonies, Little Shop of Horror.


I HATE T.V.-excet educational programs and UFC...and i like non-Fiction books.


I love to read! Greek Mythology, Poe! , non fiction books..


God, Those who die for our country, Nechi, Gandhi, VanGoho, Mr. Emotto, David Firth, Salad Fingre, NOLE FEILDING and GERARD WAY!!!!!

My Blog

Most Beautiful Heart

One day a young man was standing in the middleof the town proclaiming that he had the mostbeautiful heart in the whole valley. A largecrowd gathered and they all admired his heartfor it was perfect.T...
Posted by ~SunnyBunny~ on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 10:09:00 PST

The Barbor and the Man

A man went to a barber shop to have his hair cut as usual. He started to have a good conversation with the barber who was cutting his hair. Theytalked about many things and various subjects. Suddenly,...
Posted by ~SunnyBunny~ on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 10:07:00 PST

If ink didnt stain...

the ship was sinking, there was people screaming all around. she opended her eyes...morning and the little critters that followed was right on schedule! like always..she laughed! for the leaves tickle...
Posted by ~SunnyBunny~ on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 08:38:00 PST

The message from water...

~water is deeply connected to our individual and collective consciousness~ one day i read about a very inspirational man named dr. masaru emoto. why i want to elaborate on him because of his scientifi...
Posted by ~SunnyBunny~ on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 12:01:00 PST

A pebble in my shoe...

today i saw lovers kissing and hugging. i love to see others happy, it brings joy to my soul. ...i think love can be a supplementry factor in the equation of bliss.  im content with my inde...
Posted by ~SunnyBunny~ on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 06:03:00 PST

When you allow your brain to filter the words that touch your lips...

Is it worth hating anyone? Hate is passion, you passionatly dislike something. Passion is such a beautiful word, it has charisma, so powerful..you can feel it when you say the word. ...lets see, pass...
Posted by ~SunnyBunny~ on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 04:26:00 PST


Take all your problems and rip them apart!!!   > White Stripes
Posted by ~SunnyBunny~ on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 03:29:00 PST