I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities. ....Theodor Geisel
-------Wisdom------Today is now and yesterday is in the past ... Tomorrow is ahead and for now I'm making every moment lastToday's wisdom is about living in the moment .. let go of the past and all the hurt and pain it may have caused.. keep all the happy memories in your heart but don't let them rule your mind.. Live for today .. the here and now.. Don't live your life too far into the future for it is always changing ...Enjoy what life gives with each moment that passes... a cool breeze ... a whisper in the night... a kiss hello .. and a hug, really really tight. Laugh a whole lot more and cry a whole lot less...Today is a new day ...and so is every day that comes after .. Each and every day that comes is a new opportunity to start over .. each and every day is a fresh slate.. It's never too late to make those dreams come true.. It's never too late to start over and do it right ..Each new day is ours to make what we want of it .. Each day we have new choices... and each day we have opportunity to be happy and to make our world a better place..The choice is yours to make .. Live life to the fullest and make the best of each and every day or .. well... don't .. that's your decision.May each day bring you sunshine and happiness in many ways.. may your moments be filled with love and magic and may you be blessed always