I. Like. Metal. A lot. I also love beer a lot. There, now that we have that established... Adam's the name, ridiculous is the game. I am a student at McNally Smith Collge of Music, writing/recording music all the time. I am a member of xbox Live's distinguished Poop Team. I like to play games, read books, watch movies, and generally be lazy when I'm not doing anything musical. I am a driving force behind the band shilid, writing more than anyone can shake a stick or whatever at. Some people think I'm too much, but that's because I'm intense in everything that I do. I have been described as both incredibly sweet and harsh and unapproachable. I think Cannibal Corpse lyrics are absolutely hilarious, I walk fast, I like to speak meaningfully and often at great length, I like blast beats, I hate feeling like I'm talking to the wall, I love Norse mythology, burgers, I'm pretty much obsessed with anything having to do with Call of Cthulhu, I love to play ridiculously fast guitar, I hate feeling like I can't be myself, I love giving people presents, I often describe real-life things in rpg terms, and I have a Darth Vader standup in my room. And if you think you're too cool for Darth Vader, well, you're probably really not that cool at all.
I like Butterfly Boucher's voice... a lot. Best pop artist in the last 5 years.