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About Me

Drape is the result of a collaboration between Ryan Gracey and Spencer Williams. They specialize in beautifully somber, drone-based ambient music.

"What makes Drape special ... (is) their remarkably innovative approach to sound.Field recordings and other sound sources combine to form a language all their own. Indeed, "Dream Words" rivals any release in our catalog for the most fitting title. The bottom line is if you like expertly detailed ambient compositions to both soothe and engross yourself in then look no further than the shadowy beauty of Drape."--Ben Fleury-Steiner

My Interests


Member Since: 07/10/2007
Band Members: DRAPE / ODD NOSDAM

CD 2009


Influences: Zbigniew Preisner, Arvo Part,
Philip Jeck, Odd Nosdam,
Popul Vuh
Sounds Like: "I sat there in the dark, wondering, as men will wonder at such moments, what this tempest of the soul which music wakes in us can mean: Whether it is merely a growth of this our earth-life, or a something added, a divine hunger of the heart which is part of our immortality." - Hudson
Record Label: Gears Of Sand, Sanity Muffin
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Drape / Odd Nosdam split tape ...

go there to order:https://store.anticon.com/item.php?code=SM01side 1) 'Poem To Night' by Drapeside 2) 'Flower Snow Falls' by Odd Nosdambrought to you on cassette by the good folks @ Sanity Muffin.. ...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Aug 2009 14:06:00 GMT

'Dream Words' released on Gears Of Sand

Now available: Dream Words by DrapeWe've been chomping at the bit to release this fantastic work to the masses but, alas, delay, delay has left this waiting in the wings...The wait is over. And here's...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Jul 2009 11:14:00 GMT