CoNceptZ profile picture


If You're Frightened Of Dying and You Hold It On, You'll See Devils Tearing Your Life Away... If You

About Me

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Hey there... How you doin?? Well there's not much to say about me. My name is Luis Rodriguez, I jus wanna put that there cuz it takes me a half hour just to figure out who's fuckin profile i'm lookin at if I don't recognize the person's picture or if they got some retarded shit for a picture. I am 21 years old NOW!! YEAAA!!! and not getting any younger. I am ready to get my ass to Vegas now that i'm legal so who wants to come with??Lemme know lol. My birthday is January 15th for those of you that are interested (hint hint, nudge nudge) and I like controlled substances... I mean candy... yea, candy. I am single at the moment, oh yea baby. All my friends know who they are... all three of them, so there's no point in having shout outs here. My family is really strange and we have our problems but hey, who doesn't? If it wasn't for them though, i'd be in some deep shit and I can say the same about some of my friends. Some of you motherfuckers (you know who you are) have been there for me these last 2 years while I been goin through some crazy shit... I appreciate it. I lost alot cuz of some of the choices I made in my life and some of the ways I decided to live my life... some of you know all about what i'm talkin about and for those of you who don't... IT AIN'T NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS BITCHES! lol jus playin... for real though... back up out my business!! I just want to thank all you that stuck by me while I was piecing my life back together, I don't know what I would have done without peeps watchin out for me like that. I know everyone has their own little ideas about me cuz people have heard some shit bout this n that and said some shit bout this n that... I can't say that some of the shit ain't true... i've made some mistake... but who hasn't? If you wanna sit there and judge me, you can go fuck yourself cuz what makes you better than me?? Just because you think you're a better person for some stupid ass fucking reasons doesn't mean you are. Everything that has happened in my life has shown me who my true friends are and I think that's what everyone needs to sit back and think about... who are REALLY your true friends?? There's people that say they're your friends.. but when shit hits the fan... where are they?? So just think about that... i'm not saying everyone's fucked in the head like that... but i'm jus saying, think about it. I don't wanna sound like a fuckin psychiatrist or some shit but i've picked up a few things about life in the last couple years and I just feel like talkin about it for some reason! lol sorry, shit. I just wanna say, whatever you think about me is your own business... lets keep it that way. If you think i'm cool and you're straight with me, awesome... but if you don't like me and you hate on some of the things I do or have done... well unless you really have a problem and want to start somethin about it, then keep it to yourself cuz I really don't care. I just wanna partay like it's 1999!! So don't ruin it for me. Thanks for listening to me bitch if you actually read this all the way through lol... I jus get in my moods sometimes ya know! I'm really a nice guy... I swear! Anyways, I don't really know what else to say so if I think of anything else that's important or anyone else can think of anything I missed just let me know and i'll throw that shit in here. Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease!Free Myspace Cursors..
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My Interests

- Drawing - Partying - Girls - Partying - Girls - Girls - Girls - Sports - Girls - Expanding my knowledge of this ever changing environment we call "the world"... oooOOooo shiny! These are some of my interests... as you can see I kind of have a one track mind. I like to hang out with friends and do all the normal teenage stuff ya know... now that i'm getting old I like to stay in alot too... it all depends on my mood and who i'm with. I like to draw and check out works of art by other fellow artists... so if you think you have somethin cool that i might like to see then send it to me, show it to me, whatever cuz when I see cool pictures I use that shit for inspiration and it helps my creative juices... cuz I rip it off lol jk. All my work is one of a kind originals and I do not believe in ripping off works that other people worked hard on... so don't rip off any of my shit! fuckers... anyways, I like playin pool too.. i'm alright. If anyone wants to get schooled in a game sometime, name the place and the time and we will do this! hell yea! lol. I'm always up for new things... I so wanna go sky diving soooooo bad! Well if you wanna know more, hit me up. If you have AIM, message MexicanGuy679 --- (That's me!!) or if you know my number, call me, otherwise message and ask... if i like you, i will give it to you... if i don't like you... i will make fun of you :-) peace!

I'd like to meet:

Batman... that would be like the most bad ass thing ever... anyone that's known me for a long time would understand that... Chino Moreno would be cool to meet cuz the Deftones are fuckin awesome... ummm, lemme see... I don't really know.. maybe meetin a nice, honest, faithful girl would be so awes... who am I kiddin?? Where the hell are you gonna find that??? J/K!! Shit... that's gonna be some hate mail right there... lol. I'm jus playin... you know I love you ladies.


-------Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Pink Floyd, Rage Against The Machine, Deftones, Professional Murder Music, A Perfect Circle, Mudvayne, the old KoRn cd's, Three Six Mafia, B.G., Nelly, Mos Def, Nine Inch Nails, some of them 50 Cent joints... they aight, Mobb Deep, Nas, Notorious B.I.G., Ludacris, 311, Bone Thugs N Harmony (Old School), Easy-E, DMX, Ruff Ryders, Twista, Dem Franchise Boys, Lil' Scrappy, Lil' Jon, The All-American Rejects, Jimmy Eat World, My Chemical Romance, some Mike Jones, N.E.R.D., Pantera, Spineshank, Slayer, T-Pain (I'm in love with a stripper! lol), Staind, Snoop "D" "O" Double Gizzle, The Game, The Offspring, Young Buck, Tony Yayo, In Flames (Best concert ever!!), Relative Ash, Bush, Incubus, Fallout Boy, Trick Daddy, 2Pac, Slim Shady (Marshall Mathers), Death Cab For Cutie, Modest Mouse, Jay-Z, Linkin Park----- and other things like that, it all pretty much depends on my mood. I listen to pretty much any kind of music (except country! Can't stand that crap!) I'm jus widely versed, I can't help that. Some of you might see that as being a poser... I see that as you can suck my balls.... have a nice day.


I don't really have favorite movies... I jus see'em and forget about'em pretty much. I dunno, some movies I like are Goodfellas, Scarface, Casino, Fight Club, Train Spotting, Blow, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Boondock Saints, Dazed and Confused... such a stoner movie, Fast Times at Ridgemont High... also such a stoner movie lol, How High, Half Baked (Dave Chappelle is fucking hilarious), The Way of the Gun, Traffic, Vanilla Sky (trippy ass fucking movie... gotta watch it a few times just to understand the damn movie), Once Upon a Time in Mexico and the first movie that one is based on... can't remember the name of it though, Training Day, Hostel (Talk about a FUCKED UP movie... i'm never leaving this country AGAIN!), Saw and Saw 2, Dawn of The Dead, Most of the After Dark Horror Film Set, Spiderman 3 was a good movie, not all it was hyped up to be but eh, 28 Days Later AND 28 Weeks Later even though I havent seen it yet, whatev, Smokin Aces (Awesome Movie), Jacobs Ladder (Another Awesome movie), National Lampoons EVERYTHING.. I love all the National Lampoons movies, Alien Vs. Predator, the Friday the 13th movies and most of the Nightmare on Elm Street (Not all though!), Blood Diamond was a good movie too, very powerful stuff, The Grudge 1 AND 2, Saw 1,2 but 3 sucked, Death Watch was surprisingly good ... For the most part, I like horror flicks... even cheesy ones can't help it... and the list just goes on and on and on. For me to like a movie it has to like... move me... I dunno. I could prolly think of like a million more... just not right now... i'm lazy... gotta love me! Maybe i'll update this crap if I get bored.... maybe not, we might just never know!


HEROES!!! ON NBC!!! GREATEST SHOW EVER!!! 2 Episodes left... im sad. Second greatest show ever... Supernatural! It also wins most bad ass car in a tv show out now!Other than that, I'm not too big on TV, it hurts my head. I'd rather just watch a movie. When I do watch TV, it's never really anything in particular. I just end up watching whatever is on. I like adult cartoon comedies, the Simpsons and Family Guy are fucking hysterical. I love those shows, Futurama is awesome! It took the place of the simpsons in my heart... I really like to watch stand up comedy specials like the shit they have on Comedy Central... shit cracks me up. I hate King of the Hill... I want to kill that dumb ass peg and hit that little fucking bobby... some of you may say I have problems for hating cartoons... I say... so what?!?!? Durrrrr!


Get this video and more at MySpace.comLately I have been reading alot... i've finished quite a few books lately. Some books i've read recently are The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, The Last Juror, The Footprints of God, Prey, and alot of other good books... reading just calms me down inside and I can pretty much like put myself in the book... I love to read... its so relaxing. I like horror or mystery books and stuff like that... Sci-Fi type books... i'm a nerd at heart lol.
Name: Luis
Birthday: January 15th, 1986
Birthplace: Chicago
Current Location: Da burbs
Eye Color: Brown... some people say black though since my eyes are so dark... whateva!
Hair Color: again... brown... but pretty much black... I agree with that one, my hair is black
Height: 6'1
Right Handed or Left Handed: Righty tighty baby
Your Heritage: Mexicano bitch!
The Shoes You Wore Today: No shoes, BOOTS :)
Your Most Missed Memory: I miss my memory period... I can't remember shit!
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi all the way
MacDonalds or Burger King: Burger King... god I love Burger King
Single or Group Dates: Single, I like one on one stuff
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Ewww... Ice Tea is gross
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee... mmmMMmmmm... coffee
Do you Smoke: Yes, don't ask what I smoke though (WEED!) lol
Do you Swear: I could use this to make a cheap joke... but i'll have some class... so FUCK YES!
Do you Sing: Only when i'm trying to kill someone
Do you Shower Daily: Once a week is more than enough!
Have you Been in Love: .... next subject please....
Do you want to go to College: I don't want to have to do more school than I have to, so NO!
Do you want to get Married: If I can find the right person... anything's possible
Do you belive in yourself: Sometimes...
Do you get Motion Sickness: Only when I try reading while riding in a car or something like that
Do you think you are Attractive: Way too attractive for my own good lol, j/k
Are you a Health Freak: Not really
Do you get along with your Parents: I try
Do you like Thunderstorms: I love rainy weather and shit like that... so soothing
Do you play an Instrument: Never have and prolly never will
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Yes... yes I have
In the past month have you Smoked: Yes... yes I have
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yes... yes I have lol
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Nope, don't think i've even eaten Oreos in the last month... weird...
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: I've never eaten Sushi in my life! Gross...
In the past month have you been Dumped: No siree bob
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Nope
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: ummm... YOU CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING!
Ever been Drunk: LoL... do I even need to answer that?
Ever been called a Tease: oh yea... all the time... or was it man whore that they called me??? I don't remember, same difference!
Ever been Beaten up: Only by myself... and what I do at night when i'm alone is my business!!!
Ever Shoplifted: Only when I was a little kid... geez
How do you want to Die: In a blaze of gunfire!!... or on the john... haven't decided yet
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Not such a burnout
What country would you most like to Visit: Europe... i'm sure they have something cool over there... Amsterdam, here I come!!
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Blue probably... just anything unusual... so pretty
Favourite Hair Color: Black or Blonde... can't decide
Short or Long Hair: Long... definitely... no short haired FREAKS! lol, j/k
Height: whatever
Weight: whatever
Best Clothing Style: As long as they're not scummy, i'm cool... they can't smell bad either
Number of Drugs I have taken: oh my god... next question please!
Number of CDs I own: No clue
Number of Piercings: None
Number of Tattoos: None... i'm such a sissy
Number of things in my Past I Regret: Too many to count... thanks for reopening old wounds ASSHOLE!!
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Batman... enough said.

My Blog

Time..and time again

So things have been weird lately. Seems like things keep changing around me and it just feels like I cant keep up with this shit anymore. My life is nothing like it was 2 years ago... so many new face...
Posted by CoNceptZ on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 09:45:00 PST


So yesterday was Ozzfest and it was pretty fuckin kick ass. The mud was back yet again this year and it was a fuckin mess... somebody was a dick and throwing mud right into the security guards faces a...
Posted by CoNceptZ on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 04:19:00 PST

hell yea! fuckk yea! wait... what?

tomorrow is the parade... im gonna be drinkin as early as possible tomorrow... so like i'm very bored right now so I decided to write a blog... i can't think of a damn thing to say so i think i'm gonn...
Posted by CoNceptZ on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 11:33:00 PST

Zen-Like peace at last... Ommmmm! hahahahaha

I decided to take that blog cursing off all women down... I don't think that really gets who i am as a person lol... I just don't like the girls who feel that they HAVE to be hoes for some reason. Now...
Posted by CoNceptZ on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 10:38:00 PST

Fixed up my site... holla!

Whats up everyone!?! I'm just bored as hell right now and I know alot of you been rippin on me for bein on myspace ALL damn day but I was fixin up all my shit... I put graffiti pics on my picture inde...
Posted by CoNceptZ on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 01:22:00 PST

My Apologies...

I've been doing alot of reflecting these last couple of days just sitting around thinking about everything i've done with my life... mostly the people i've hurt in my life... I've made alot of mistake...
Posted by CoNceptZ on Fri, 06 Jan 2006 07:36:00 PST

Bored, so did a thingy for everyone to enjoy...

ANSWER truthfully1. do you like anyone?: NopeARE YOU..1. simple or complicated? I like to think i'm complicated IN THE LAST MONTH HAVE YOU1. Had sex: Nope    2. Bought something: A ...
Posted by CoNceptZ on Fri, 06 Jan 2006 06:40:00 PST

Anger!!! Grrrrr!!!

Now i'm pissed. I just saw my brother's MySpace page and he is such a little fuckhead. Not only did he rip off my grafitti name and use it for his username but he put my art on his page and is claimin...
Posted by CoNceptZ on Sat, 19 Nov 2005 05:36:00 PST

Time to kill... with my lovely blog friends!

Good morning!!! I've been running around for about the last hour and now i'm finally home... kinda bored.... don't know what to do with myself when I get into situations like this. I decided to sign o...
Posted by CoNceptZ on Fri, 18 Nov 2005 09:30:00 PST

Ex's and the joy they bring.... ugh

Well for those of you that know me well, you'll know who i'm talkin about... so I just finished writing a letter to my ex who is now at boot camp for the marines... she wrote me a letter about a week ...
Posted by CoNceptZ on Fri, 18 Nov 2005 10:45:00 PST