Thomas Leonardo is one of two owners of the TV production company - NNTV Productions ApS. Journalist, promotor, concept developer and director. All in one - just like Kinder EggsNNTV Productions is a TV/film production company, producing video and web for TV-stations, companies and organisations. NNTV is also developing concepts for the Internet and viral marketing for mobile phones.
We are the brains behind an upcoming Internet community, with focus on the music business. will soon be a reallity. Add: Bandspotter if you are a band, musician, music related business or record label.
Drop a message if you need some good professional video production, and lets see what to do about it.
RIGHT NOW NNTV is promoting the world famous DJ - TIËSTO on his "Elements of Life" World Tour show in Denmark 10th of November. Making video, websites, mobile content and advertisement. check out: www.tiestodenmark.dkI edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 ( Andersen NNTV
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