I'm A MiliTary BrAT...so i've neva lived n e where longer than 3 years. iT has its own advantages n disadvantages. i lived in Seoul, South Korea and it was the best 2 years of my life. i graduated frum Westfield c/o 2007 in VA & I'm going to Canisius College in BUffalo, NY majoring in physical education. i LOVE sports - SpeCiAlli soccer. i'Ve been PLayIN since i was 5. I've been pLAyn bball since 4th grade but im much stronger in soccer. if u wana play hit me up! TAkEn FRuM mA gURl TiFFaNY...LOVE ya 2 DeATh!!!♥ Katie's Layouts ♥ ♥ Katie's Layouts ♥
My Interests
SoCCeR....bbAll...sports....ShOppiN....my FRENDS!
I'd like to meet:
&yo MoMMA!!!
HOMIES in da R.o.K...LOVE n miss YOu! YOU ma heroes!
My Blog
2006-2007 sCheDule
So here's ma schedule 4 senior year. only hard classes will be gov n english. A day 1.discrete/prob stats - jones/gustafson 3. geosystems - shepherd 5. US VA govt - -blizzard 7. TA - Luongo B... Posted by ♥CoLLeeN on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 07:14:00 PST