They call me Eleanor Abernathy, some call me the crazy cat lady, but can a person that loves cats so much really be crazy? Cat lover/friend of all animals, foreign film fan, vegan, collector of things that are useless/hideous/nicknacks/things I do not have a name for/clothes and accessories/books/records, I love my job even though it can be stressful it consumes most of my life, unmotivated but not lazy, I love my little red Yaris (Fitzcarraldo), occasional smoker even though it is not vegan (oh well people cheat), I enjoy eating I eat all the time, I do not want to get married nor do I want children, I have 7 cats, 2 red eared slider, a 3 toed box turtle, 2 goldfish and a mouse...I should start charging people when they come to my apartment because it is like visiting a petting zoo, music, teaching myself to speak 2 languages (I took French and German in high school), COFFEE:)Extraordinary Kitten Needs Extraordinary Help
Grant's story ended up having a happy ending. The Humane League was able to get the $2500 needed to fix his legs. The vet that performed his surgery fell in love with his sweet disposition and decided to adopt him.