Get out! Message Add Comment Pictures Design Credit :Welcome to my page, one of the hottest pages on the 'net:[Rayneâ„¢] There Can only be one of ME!
What do you want me to do?
I can only be me.....
I couldnt make this shit up even if i tried
Im an individual who strives to stand out amongst many
One who keeps a close circle of TRUE friends.
Sometimes I live beyond my means
Sometimes Im hard headed but
In the end
Im a scorpio and I still love it!
While old thoughts and personality diminish in my life
Through the pressure and stress of everyday struggles...
The only thing still remaining when you see me
Is a smile. =)
I am what I am,
It is what it is
And I wont change me for nobody.
Either you'll love me or hate me,
But in the end you'll still have to accept me!
Born in JAMAICA, raised in ATLANTA,
A new face will emerge with nothing but
profound maturity and adulthood overcoming all.
Imma koo ass guy, laid back and down to earth
Hit me up if you have any other inquiries!
:more to come stay tuned!
About me
Name: Rayneâ„¢Birthday:November 7
Height: 6'0
Weight: 190 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Status: Single
Interests:Information Technology
:I believe that everything happens for a reason.people change so that you can learn to let go.
things go wrong so that you can appreciate
them when they're right.
you believe lies so you eventually learn
to trust no one but yourself.
sometimes good things fall apart
so that better things can fall together.
:Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect.
It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.
:Some pple need a reality check! you only life once!
live everyday like its ur last
dont waste time when there are many oppurtunities out there 2 be accomplished
:If you limit your choices only to what seems possible
or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you
truly want, and all that is left is compromise.