Mily profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Emily is: strange, shorter than you, an optimist, an artist, a little glowing friend, a dork, one of the quiet ones
Emily loves: love, drawing, writing, strangeness, playing with video cameras, reading, wandering, knitting, dreaming (both day, night, and lucid), robots for some reason, compulsively creating fictional characters, distractions, the rain, you

Myspace Layouts and SO much more from! ♥

My Interests

love, low low low budget films, bubbles, randomness, rain, writing, dreams, music, art, dancing around, hilarity, 42, lucid dreaming, knitting, slam, defying gravity, people watching, making everything

I'd like to meet:

you... and you... and you over there...


pink floyd, the beatles, the cranberries, queen, crack the sky, the kinks, the killers, grateful dead, simon and garfunkel, they might be giants, the shins, fleetwood mac, enya, alanis morissette, freezepop, iron butterfly, weezer, barenaked ladies, iron and wine, dido, blondie, the decemberists, etc.


napoleon dynamite, lord of the rings, edward scissorhands, amelie, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, benny and joon, everything is illuminated, the science of sleep, gnomebusters, the manclan, inanimate objects strike back


lost, house, seinfeld, heroes


lord of the rings, the da vinci code, angels and demons, hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, abarat, life of pi


adopt your own virtual pet!

My Blog

Part Two

21. Tony J: How do you spell emo?   22. Wiktoria: What do I care? She's a dumb blonde lesbian!   23. Leah: Emily! Run around in circles! Run around in circles, Emily!   24. Leah again: ...
Posted by Mily on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 08:34:00 PST

The Cumulative Quote Book - Part 1

Because I'm bored and procrastinating. Starting with third quarter last year, numbers 1-20... oh, the memories... Mr. Procell: The points have short little arms, so they can't reach across the gap in ...
Posted by Mily on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 05:28:00 PST

mily here

a1 - hnrs chem - knolla2 - ap euro - scarborougha3 - hnrs trig - procella4 - ap bio - jones-knollb1 - french 2 - aristb2 - hnrs english - smickb3 - crtv writ - wilsonb4 - drawing/painting - schlehr an...
Posted by Mily on Fri, 19 Aug 2005 11:41:00 PST