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Into anything but country and bluegrass. My favorite bands at the moment are Trivium, Children Of Bodom, Throwdown, As I Lay Dying, Divine Heresy, Mastodon, Slipknot, In Flames, and Mushroomhead.
My favorites include Kingdom of Heaven, Batman Begins, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Fist of Legend, Ung Bak Thai Warrior, Troy, Hercules, The Fifth Element, Drunken Master, Hero, House of Flying Daggers, Appleseed, Anchorman, Dodgeball, Elf, Trading Places, Anything by Kevin Smith(silent Bob. Shut up Jeff!), and pretty much anything with Jet Lee or Tony Jaa
[Adult Swim] is the greatest thing to hit Television since that one guy hit his with a Tuna. That's a true story. I wasn't there but I know a guy who knows a goldfish.................. I like to watch anime alot. Like Inuyasha, Gundam Wing, Naruto, BEZERK, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, DB, DBZ, DBGT, S-CRY-ED, Samurai Deeper KYO, One Peice, FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST, Bleach, Kiba, Trigun, Black Blood Brothers, Shura no Toki, and a few others. I like anything on adult swim basically
I love reading. Books I like to read; the Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan(who recently passed away before completing the 12th and final book in the series) , Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms(mainly R.A. Salvatore), Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher, Osserian Saga by David Forbes(if you like fantasy novels this is a must read by a fairly new author), the Winds of the Forelands series by David B. Coe, Sword of Truth series'and yes I will read Harry Potter books. Shut-up Jeff!
Your results:
You are Green Lantern Green Lantern 90% Iron Man 90% Spider-Man 85% The Flash 85% Robin 80% Hulk 70% Supergirl 65% Wonder Woman 60% Catwoman 60% Superman 55% Batman 55% Hot-headed. You have strong
will power and a good imagination.
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Robert Jorden and R.A. Salvatore