Ontario Country Music Association profile picture

Ontario Country Music Association

About Me

The Ontario Country Music Association is an undertaking by some energetic individuals in the country music industry in Ontario
There is currently no Country Music Association that represents all of Ontario. Working with existing associations in the North and Ottawa area, we hope we can fill the gap and make a difference for all.
The goal of the Ontario Country Music Association is to foster and support the growth and development of Country Music in Ontario, as well as it's artists - singers - songwriters - musicians - bands - as well as promote the same to Canada and the World! When we speak of country music, we speak of it's subs as well, such as: folk; alternative; bluegrass; roots; americana; etc.
The Association is in the beginning stages. We have our initial web site, groups on Facebook and MySpace, and are waiting to incorporate as a non-profit Association as soon as we raise funds through membership, sponsorship, and advertising. Once this is done we will be lobbying for support from Government sources of funding.
Currently, we have the following for OCMA Members:
-Internet Radio Station
-Internet Music Video Station
-Members Page
-Members Newsletter
-Member Gig Listing
-Member Newsfeed
Projects that are being worked on:
-Incorporation as non-profit associaton
-Corporate and Industry Sponsors and Advertisers
-Ontario Country Music Fans Questionairre
-Marketing and Promotion
-Web Site
Projects that are being looked at are:
-Ontario Country Music Association Hall of Fame
-Ontario Country Music Association Awards
-Major and Indie Buddy System
-Member and Industry Directories
-Regional Meetings and Showcases
-Lobbying Government and Supports for Funding
-Performance Grants - Provincial
-Performance Grants - National
-Performance Grants - International
-Music Video Grants
-Recording Grants
-Promotion Grants
-Radio Release Grants - National
-Radio Release Grants - International
-Charity Event Funding
-Recording Funding
-Health and Insurance Benefits
-Discounts from Industry Suppliers
-Operating Funding
-Capital Funding
-TV Showcase
-Radio Showcase
We are always open to any suggestions on how the OCMA can help it's members.
Once funds have been raised for incorporation, a board of directors and executive will be formed.
We can always use more help spreading the word, finding sponsors and advertising customers. But most of all, we need members!
Join the Official OCMA Newsletter by subscribing at the link below:
http://www.feedblitz.com/f /f.fbz?Sub=306604
December 2007
Ontario Country Music Fan Questionairre is ready. Help us make Ontario Country Music better by filling out the questionnaire at http://www.eSurveysPro.com/Survey.aspx ?id=e1d9b23a-5aa4-4777-b86b-28d08dd4c1 06
The OCMA Internet Radio Station is up! Check it out!
January 2008
We are planning regional showcases and meetings. Locations will be based on feedback we get on the amount of involvement. It looks like the first meeting/showcase will be in Durham Region in March 2008. Stay tuned for more information.
There is a lot to get done, and it will only get down if people get involved.
If you have any questions, ask!

My Interests


Member Since: 06/10/2007
Band Website: http://www.ontariocountrymusicassociation.ca
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

OCMA Gig Listing

Below is a list of upcoming performances by Ontario Country Music Association Members across Ontario. Please support country music in Ontario by attending these shows!August 21, 2008Tonya KennedyBarri...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 13:57:00 GMT

Next OCMA Showcase

The next OCMA Showcase is scheduled for Saturday, October 18, 2008, from 6pm to 11pm at the Gibson Guitar Centre in downtown Toronto.In conjunction with Gibson, the Ontario Country Music Association w...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 12:20:00 GMT

Helping One of Our Own

Desert Heat, one of the OCMA's newest members, has been nominated for "Top New Talent of the Year - Group or Duo" at this years CCMA awards in Winnipeg (voting closes Aug. 20, '08). As you know often ...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 12:19:00 GMT

OCMA Welcomes Newest Industry Members

The Ontario Country Music Association is very pleased to welcome two new industry members. Factor and That's Country have become industry members of the Ontario Country Music Association recently.Thei...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 12:18:00 GMT

OCMA Weekly Newsfeed Listing

OCMA Weekly Gig Listing July 1, 2008Cory M. Coons and the TycoonsIroquois LocksIroquois, ONThe Too Drunk to Fish BandCannington Canada DayCannington, ON7:30pmJuly 25, 2008The Too Drunk to Fish BandRo...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 12:01:00 GMT

Weekly OCMA Newsfeed Listing

OCMA Weekly Gig Listing Update June 27, 2008Cory M. Coons and the TycoonsAtlantic HotelAlexandria, ONThe Lorraine Davies BandEast Side MariosAjax, ON8:00pmJune 28, 2008The Too Drunk to Fish BandTor...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 20:04:00 GMT

OCMA Weekly News Listing

June 20, 2008Cory M. Coons and the TycoonsBoomersPrescott, ONThe Too Drunk to Fish BandMarkham Village FestivalMarkham, ON9:00pmJune 21, 2008Cory M. Coons and the TycoonsIroquois Civic CenterIroquois,...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 19:07:00 GMT

Announcing the OCMA Opry Live!

The Ontario Country Music Association will be starting a live audio stream show to showcase and increase the exposure of OCMA Members.The show will feature up to 3 or 4 solo or duo acoustic acts for e...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 13:58:00 GMT

Television Exposure for OCMA Members

OCMA singers and songwriters that are looking for more exposure should consider this offer. Rogers Daytime Live will interview and have members perform on their weekday daily show.Currently performanc...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 13:57:00 GMT

OCMA Offering Agent Free Fee for Venues and Members

As a benefit to our members, we are starting to provide a free booking service. We do not see this as taking away revenue for agents, as not all bands will join the association, we see it as a direct ...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 13:56:00 GMT