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Cyanide & Happiness @
Cyanide & Happiness @
Cyanide & Happiness @
You are most like:
You were a #1 Pop single! So I guess you have a reason to be vain. People identify with you, even when you don't make sense. You are known for being loud, but you might have a reason for it, a very, very good reason.
Take this quiz: What Carly Simon Song Are You?
Your Linguistic Profile:
60% General American English
25% Dixie
10% Yankee
0% Midwestern
0% Upper Midwestern What Kind of American English Do You Speak?
Who Should Paint You: M.C. Escher
Open and raw, you would let your true self show for your portrait.
And even if your painting turned out a bit dark, it would be honest. What Artist Should Paint Your Portrait?
You Have A Type B Personality
You're as laid back as they come...
Your baseline mood is calm and level headed
Creativity and philosophy tend to be your forte
Like a natural sedative, you have a soothing effect on people
Friends and family often turn to you first with their problems
You have the personality to be a spiritual or psychological guru
Do You Have a Type A Personality?
You Are Big Bird
Talented, smart, and friendly... you're also one of the sanest people around.
You are usually feeling: Happy. From riding a unicycle to writing poetry, you have plenty of hobbies to keep you busy.
You are famous for: Being a friend to everyone. Even the grumpiest person gets along with you.
How you life your life: Joyfully. "Super. Duper. Flooper."
The Sesame Street Personality Quiz
Your Life Path Number is 5
Your purpose in life is to live freely and collect experiences.
You love life - new adventures, new people, new ideas.
You are very curious, and you crave novelty in all forms.
You tend to make friends easily, and you enjoy the company of all types of people.
In love, you are fun and even a bit intoxicating. But you won't stick around for long.
You are impulsive and spontaneous - which sometimes leads you to do things you regret.
Sometimes you can be overindulgent with food, sex, or drugs.
You have many talents, so many that you are often scattered and unfocused.
What Is Your Life Path Number?
So maybe I actually am Presbyterian. . .or is this just what one year at PTS will do to you? ;)
You scored as John Calvin. Much of what is now called Calvinism had more to do with his followers than Calvin himself, and so you may or may not be committed to TULIP, though God's sovereignty is all important.
John Calvin
Karl Barth
Martin Luther
Jurgen Moltmann
Friedrich Schleiermacher
Charles Finney
Jonathan Edwards
Paul Tillich
Which theologian are you?
You scored as Neo orthodox. You are neo-orthodox. You reject the human-centredness and scepticism of liberal theology, but neither do you go to the other extreme and make the Bible the central issue for faith. You believe that Christ is God's most important revelation to humanity, and the Trinity is hugely important in your theology. The Bible is also important because it points us to the revelation of Christ. You are influenced by Karl Barth and P T Forsyth.
Neo orthodox
Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan
Reformed Evangelical
Roman Catholic
Classical Liberal
Modern Liberal
What's your theological worldview?
You Are Guinness
You know beer well, and you'll only drink the best beers in the world.
Watered down beers disgust you, as do the people who drink them.
But your friends tolerate your drunken ways, because you introduce them to the best beers around. What's Your Beer Personality?