1.Working out and training in defense...
2.Studying law and enforce when I can...
3.Rock Climbing
4.Girls (Asian/Euros ^_^)
6.Hanging with my Bros
10.Summer11.I enjoy making movies. I have plenty more than this. I'm a graphic artist persay I guess. I just love having fun and entertaining people.
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Crush this person!
Get your own ThisCrush.com CrushTag!THE GIRL:1. Has to be able to teach me something valuable.
2. Attractive tone of voice.
3. Literate
4. Competetive
5. Healthy
7. Can grin and not remind me of a hockey player
9. Rambunctious, Robust, (keep me active)
10. Can hold an intelligent conversation.
11. Can endure my scarce form of dialect.
12. Beat me at, or give me a run for my money at a game, sport, etc of me or her intrest. [I get a kick at beating people at their own game. ;) ]
I give all music a chance. But music with a good beat and tangible lyrics are always good to my ears. I'm a huge fan of Rock and Old School.... /a
I make my own.. But I enjoy watching Superhero movies. And movies no one else shows up to...
I don't watch much like I use to. I often enjoy watching Anime, Family Matters, and Mostly fitness shows on "On Demand".
Marvel... The End. :) lol Fitness Mags.... I don't read Maxim anymore... My bro's subscription ended and I'm not paying for it! lol