I met him and for that I am Greatful.
Generic Survey 1:
The Basics
Full Name Keoysha J Greene Workin on gettin dat FIXED
You like it? Love it....
Birthdate 10/13/1981
Height/Weight 135/5'2
Eye Color brown
Hair Color black
Can you...
Drive? yep
Drive a manual? yes thanks to My name is in the streets
Touch your nose with your tongue? nah
Cook? yessur
Dance? I'd like to think so
Sing? only in a chior
Sew? not well
Speak another language? choto---- well i def cant right but my yokota peeps get it
Have you ever...
Eaten sushi? no
Been in love? yes
Skipped school? of course
Made prank calls? who me
Done illegal drugs? um I plea da fif
Stolen something worth more than ? more than wat
Flashed someone? um not really
Been drunk? once or twice
Eaten squid? no
Been to New York City? not yet, been to New York
Been to London? cant say that i have
Drink No
Soda dont drink soda sorry
Food roast
Restaurant no favs so far
Color pink i guess
Artist any gospel
Album no fav
Website none
The Last
Person to hit you um maybe mark
Person you wanted to hit dont get me started
Person you hugged Reggie
Person you kissed Reggie...
Person you wanted to kiss you Reggie
Country you've been in Japan
Car you've driven Eclipse
Law you've broken jus one
Thing you ate KFC
Thing you drank power aid
Thing you said see u 2morrow -to tiff
Book you read ive been readin the same one for a hot min now
Show you watched CSI w/ Reggie
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