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NOTE: ©2009 Gone Wild Outdoors®.All rights reserved(FROM BLOG)Recently I lost sight on what Gone Wild Outdoors was suppose to be about. I created this company to be EDGY, FAST PACED, and most of all "BEYOND ORDINARY". I accomplished that!!BUT..The most important thing I started to take my eyes off the one who has blessed me and continues to give me the opportunity to enjoy his creation everyday. I definitely fall short daily being a positive roll model and witness to hunters and people alike.Gone Wild Outdoors was created on Christian Morals and Beliefs. I got off track on what I wanted to do in this industry and what I was about. The younger generation has always been my focus and thats where it needs to stay; on them!! Not only by creating and broadcasting videos, but giving them a positive witness and roll model to look up to.You can have Wealth, Fortune, and Fame, but without the Lord... Well honestly what do you really have?I'll take a shack on a ROCK over a castle in the sand.<