home buddy!! a cozy bed and a hot shower!! I love my MySpace and friendster!! Phone lines always busy....bible and quiet time journals....an open friend's house....bball ( exclusively for watching only....I don't play) hehe :) badminton, retro kind of style....weird but true, family bonding (nax naman) :) school days!!!! yep yep ;) Sunday Worships!! and afternoon catnaps!!
practically anyone....
radio music!! 93.1,89.9 and 103.5
The Last Samurai!! LOTR trilogy....Pirates of the Carribean!!
FRIENDS....MTV Punk'd (Ashton Fan) :) MTV cribs....Disney Channel!! hehe weird....Fear Factor!! and That 70's Show
Purpose Driven Life, Princess Diaries, All American Girl, Nicholas Sparks books, Tuesdays with Morrie, my quiet time books well currently trying to finish the whole Bible....not really my favorite but it's a challenge!! hehe