Myspace ini didedikasikan untuk semua gitaris wanita di Indonesia. Apapun genre musik kamu mulai dari klasik, pop, jazz, rock, metal ataupun keroncong, kamu boleh bergabung kedalam myspace ini. Selanjutnya, kami berencana membuat sebuah forum resmi / situs web Indonesian Female Guitarist. So, c'mon girls, beritahu dunia tentang keberadaan kamu!
Terima Kasih,
This myspace is dedicated to all the female guitarists in Indonesia. No matter if you're classical, pop, rock, jazz, metal or even keroncong; you're invited and welcome to join in as a friend on this myspace. Please send me a message or comment and participate on the Indonesian Female Guitarist Blog. (we want to know all about you). As for my next plan, we will initiate an official Indonesian Female Guitarist Forum. So, c'mon girls, lets let the world know, how many female guitarist there are in Indonesia. Even those of you girls who are not Indonesian, are welcome to participate. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you,