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About Me

I'd like to be called a martial artist but most of my close friends will tell you im just an asshole . I wanna punch robert frost, Ernst Hemingway, and all those other "sissy" poets for running away to the woods . Then i'd burn their stupid "sissy" house's down for running away. I like conflict and stradegy . I really want to goto china and learn Kung-Fu but, I doubt I'll ever get around to doing that.... I like learning about the Samuri , their pretty bad ass. I also want to fight a shaolin monk , i think i want to become a shaolin monk! I have a very diverse group of friends. I use to party at LAN's (LOCAL AREA NETWORK) but, thats pretty much obsolite now. I like programming and networking stuff. I'm the type of guy you'd expect to see coming out of a UFO . I like going fishing unexpectedly, and reading a good spy novel. I want to retire in Ja ma ic a some day, and open a banana shack. A banana cabana :D

My Interests

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»¬=椺²·.¸¸LIL_BOCHMAN is on a Killing Spree(12 Frags)¸¸.·²º¤æ=¬«

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