About Me
I love promoting music and not only promoting but recording/video production/photography, everything.
Promoting is something I will ALWAYS do for free, even if I do something that takes several hours of my time, like a flyer or a banner. No more charging for that. That's free.
Now recording etc...I still charge for. Recording, I go by the project. 200 dollars a day, and mixing/mastering is 30 dollars a day, but with this you do get professional quality all the way through.
Acoustic bands, I go a little easier on because although mixing/mastering and even recording is just as in depth as full bands, there's a little more freedom to be versatile tempowise, etc..especially if it's a one-man band.
Acoustic projects are 100 dollars a day and 15 dollars a day mixing/mastering. Video/photography, message me for, but I guarantee you'll like the prics and the result.
405.471.4514Music, Graphic Design, Audio Production, Video Production, Photography, Booking, Promoting
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