i have many just talk to me and i'll spill ok
ppl all different types of ppl rofl or why be here.
You have been marked on my profile map!
not much country. i love my industral and things like that..... also one of my fav links to music is http://rantradio.com/rr-industrial128.pls
i don't watch to many movies ......i like to watch them but when your like me it's hard to get a movie in inless your saying lets go lol......... not good with names. but the good one's, i can tell you all about them!!!
don't watch it in less someone i'm hanging with is watching it or bored at my mothers house not doing her bidding :P you know how mom's can get at times when they have kids that can cut trees down, paint, mow the lawn, you get the point.
troken is good and some others i just don't read too much but if you have a really good book rec. then plz tell me and i'll give it a shot
my daddy :)~ no other man so far ether