CHRiSSY :] profile picture



About Me

© h ® Ï § + Ï ñ Ã… im in seventh grade and i dont look at sixth graders and go ew look at those sixth graders i was one once. i can act mature when i want to, but most of them time i act immature. i dont label people as sluts, jocks, rebels, preps, etc. i only hate people with an exception of them doing something to me. if someone gets in a fight with my bestfriend,i dont get into it. if someone calls my bestfriends "friends" sluts, then im involved because its about me, yeh its about her but it involves me in it cause it says her friends and im one of them. i am a very considerate girl. i dont throw out any of my stuffed animals, i think they have feelings to. my bestfriend and i have the same initials :]. by the way im single and like someone a lot. i love the summer. i love going to the beach and flirting with boys :]. if someone took the time to write a song for me or about me they are guarenteed my heart forever. me and three of my friends dont put up peace signs with two fingers, we use three :D. i dont like to copy people, i like being my one person. when people change to be "cool", i will still be "me". my middle names marie and my last name shouldnt matter to you. i love watching scary movies even though i hate being scared. i am afraid of the dark and spiders. if you ask to copy me i will probably let you, if you dont ask me about it i will dislike you from the moment i see it on your myspace. labeling me is one thing, talking about me is another. dont be a whore and talk about me. its not right that my name is like a dick.
its always in a whores mouth.

My Interests


My Blog

Summer Poem.

A lot of friends, a lot of laughs.Going  to the mall and take cute photographs.No more winter pinks the new teal,Got a new crush, its a big deal.No more people trying to teach,everyday is at the ...
Posted by CHRiSSY :] on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 09:48:00 PST

100 things about me.

1. My Name is Christina Pitonzo. 2. I'm only twelve. 3. I'm also really random at times 4. my best friends are Carly Poppe,ToniLee Stuppiello, and Dominique Grover they'r always talking...
Posted by CHRiSSY :] on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 03:55:00 PST