Myspace Layouts at / Dali elephants
SO YOU'VE FOUND US ................ YOU WON'T REGRET IT! Formed in 2005 by three like minded individuals, the late (and muchly missed) Russell Heffer, Richard Wells and the great DAVEY ARTHUR. Seeing the growth of new technology and the consequences it has had with live music (music has become increasingly 'home grown') We have set up Humblebum to help fellow musicians through the minefield that is the entertainment industry, Our pooled expert knowledge can help with all aspects of live music production, from writing, PUBLISHING, how to get those all important gigs, recording (see photo @ Sound Recording Technology - Cambridge)and PA and endless other questions can be answered, and if we don't .............................................. WE KNOW SOMEONE WHO CAN !! Give us a call .................................. UK Office 0044(0)1487 840146 .............. Irish Office ..................................... 00 353 669473330 .......... Mobile ............................................. 00353 876242849