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I am here for Networking

About Me

X-Convenor: Stewart McDonald
talking about the National conversation.
Firstly, Welcome to the Myspace of the Glasgow branch of the Young Scots For Independence (YSI). The YSI is the official youth wing of the Scottish National Party, and the only Scottish youth group that campaigns for an independent Scotland.
Our branch has been set up to allow the young people of Glasgow to join the campaign for a better city, a better Scotland and a better future.
The YSI campaigns on behalf of the Scottish National Party, the only party that can make a difference for Scotland and for all Scots. By ensuring that decisions for Scotland are made in Scotland, by our own fully independent Parliament.
We celebrate Scotland’s rich cultural history but also Scotland’s diversity of cultures. We want to see a Scotland that is vibrant, successful, ambitious, a Scotland that has its own seat at the top table of world decision making, a Scotland of equality and justice. If you share our hopes for Scotland then join the YSI and help win your nations freedom.
Glasgow YSI Executive Commitee
Convenor: David Linden
Treasurer: David M Howie
Secretary: Marco Biagi
Representative to YSI NEC: David Howie
Representative to GRA: David Linden and Marco Biagi
Director of publicity: Darren Cassidy
Social Convenor: David Howie
David Linden convenor
Want to join us...?
If you're aged 14-26 and want to be a part of the campaign for a better Scotland with the YSI then here's how to join...
send an email to the one of the above contacts, With your name age and city
txt the info to 07526738512(can not be phoned)
or alternatively join via the YIS website.
Previous YSI Members include...
Nicola Sturgeon MSP: Now Deputy First Minister and Cabinet secretary for Health and wellbeing and Deputy leader of the SNP
Fiona Hyslop MSP: Now cabinet secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning
John Swinney MSP: Now cabinet secretary for finance and sustainable growth and former SNP leader
Aileen Campbell MSP, Now MSP for the South of Scotland region
Jamie Hepburn MSP: Now MSP for the Central Scotland Region
Current Members also include...
David McDonald: Former convenor of Glasgow YSI and is currently a councillor in Glasgow for the Bailleston Ward
Alison Thewlis: National Convenor of the YSI and also currently a councillor in Glasgow, representing the Calton Ward
Got an issue?
If you have anything that you would like the Glasgow YSI to stand up for on your behalf or feel that Glasgow YSI should campaign on a certain issue affecting your area/the city or the country as a whole, please let us know!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Glasgow Young Scots For Independence would like to meet anyone that wants to make Scotland a better place to work, Learn and play.
That is anyone that wants Independence for Scotland!

Video(s) Glasgow our home

YSI march against a bloody war for oil

My Blog

Homecoming 2009
Posted by on Mon, 08 Dec 2008 16:07:00 GMT

social events

The Glasgow young Scots for Independence, Annual General Meeting was tonight. The position of office has changed a bit and will be updated ASAP. We are now at the end of June and we have some good soc...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 14:33:00 GMT

social events

The Glasgow young Scots for Independence, Annual General Meeting was tonight. The position of office has changed a bit and will be updated ASAP. We are now at the end of June and we have some good soc...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 14:34:00 GMT

Cameron: PM has lost Scotland and is putting the UK at risk

The HeraldGordon Brown has "lost Scotland" and is putting the United Kingdom at risk, David Cameron asserted yesterday in the wake of the row over Wendy Alexander and her call for an early referendum ...
Posted by on Tue, 13 May 2008 17:14:00 GMT


Glasgow YSI will host a 'subcrawl' on Saturday May 17th.  For those of you, not of a weeji origin, the Subcrawl is basically a pubcrawl using the Subway.  We have a total of 15 subway s...
Posted by on Mon, 05 May 2008 05:55:00 GMT

SNP spring conference 2008

Good afternoon fellow nationalist and friends, As you all most likely know the SNP spring conference 2008 was the weekend passed at Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh. While destiny would have it th...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 09:53:00 GMT

I support Scottish independence because...

I support Scottish independence because it will finally break the suffocating noose of Unionism that has burdened this country for far too long. Scotland is a nation with outstanding potential and vas...
Posted by on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 04:54:00 GMT

New Friends

Hello all, as more and more people become friends it becomes harder to welcome you on an individual basses. This is just a wee post to say hi and thank you for becoming a member of the page, please do...
Posted by on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 07:35:00 GMT

Student Debts

With the announcement of the first budget of the Scottish Government since acquiring its current name and since the Scottish National Party have controlled it, the media have not unusually been as cri...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 17:49:00 GMT

Labour councillors abuse their power

Labour just can not seem to grasp that they do not have a defined right to govern Scotland, once again today the over confident self centered Glasgow Labour councillors abuse their power. When are the...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 16:28:00 GMT