I'm a laid-back individual(ist)/bassist/megastar. I live in a small city landlocked by Detroit. The roommates and I all jam - sometimes together, sometimes alone, but at least once a day. I don't drink anymore, but I don't drink any less, either.
Your Personality Is Like Acid
A bit wacky, you're very difficult to predict.
One moment you're in your own little happy universe...
And the next, you're on a bad trip to your own personal hell!
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The Dictum of Awesome:"And so it was written in stone on this the twelfth day of February in the nineteenth year of the first era of awesomeness…..The awesome way of life:
Thou shall not be a douche;
Thou shall be thyself;
Thou shall be awesome;Let Awesomeness reign from the heavens.
Let us speak the word of awesome and shepherd the weak, until they can fully appreciate what it is to be awesome. Indeed for some this will be an endless struggle, for they will cater to awesome people their entire lives, wasting moments that could have been awe inspiring in doubt and gloom. Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, they just wanted people to be awesome; however, unawesome people just could not feel the vibe, so they acted like douches - douches are ruiners."