Greasy GC profile picture

Greasy GC

Grease well before serving

About Me

Greasy's career was almost cut short when he lost 80% of his hearing in an industrial accident in 2001. After his recovery he was enjoying a drunken night out at a local Los Angeles hip hop spot when his fate again turned sour. While arguing with his then girlfriend in sign language (ASL), his drunkenly exagerrated hand signals caught the attention of an unknown sect of Los Angeles Crip gang members. They mistook his gestures as a threat and shot him seven times, hitting him in the heart, lungs, stomach, and kidneys, but fortunately missing his genitals. In a mix up at the hospital, they inadvertently gave him breast implants, and repaired his ear drums. But they failed to fix the many holes in is internal organs and he slipped into a deep coma. While in the coma he had a vision of the Virgin Mary and her best friend eating popsicles while listening to Louis Armstrong. He must be in heaven, he thought. Suddenly God burst in and handed him a heavy briefcase. "Hey, hold onto this for me," God said, "I got a lot of heat on me right now. I'll come get it when things have calmed down." He reached into his pocket and handed over a twenty dollar bill then said, "And make sure they don't run out of popsicles." He then vanished. When Greasy awoke he found a briefcase on the floor next to the bed. He clutched it to his C cup breasts and vowed never to open it until its owner returned. He slowly recovered and even though he was able to get out of speeding tickets, he had the mistaken implants removed and gave them to the Church. He now spends his time producing new artists and remixes.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/18/2005
Influences: Always under it
Record Label: Made Fresh While You Wait
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Porn Star to Pop Star...

From the minds at Made Fresh comes the hit single from the feature film "Southland Tales", Teen Horniness is Not a Crime. Performed by Sarah Michelle Gellar, Cl...
Posted by Greasy GC on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 02:29:00 PST

11 Fun Facts About the Dead Sea Scrolls

1. According to account of Noah and his Ark in the Dead Sea Scrolls, beastiality is not a sin in certain circumstances.2. The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in an area 1300 feet below sea level. Thats mo...
Posted by Greasy GC on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 08:48:00 PST

Wax that BUSH!!! Updated 9/27/07

Yeah you thought its was funny story about a girl with a landscaping problem. No, I'm just here to take everyone on a trip down memory lane through the Bush Era. I hope the Department of Homeland Secu...
Posted by Greasy GC on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 05:35:00 PST

Balls: An Operator Manual for Women

By Greasy GC of Nasty BreezeI'm not afraid to admit that I like to read women's magazines. Its always great to see how they manage to fill a thick ass magazine with...well chick crap. You know cheatin...
Posted by Greasy GC on Sat, 08 Oct 2005 04:34:00 PST

Ancient Wisdom

Many American Indian and African tribes believed that eating another living creature allowed you capture thier spirit. Canibals would eat thier defeated enemy as a sign of respect, hoping to add the d...
Posted by Greasy GC on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 11:06:00 PST

You need to get over her...

There's nothing worse than claiming you bagged a chick, then having post-mortem DNA evidence prove that you're full of shit. John Mark Karr was so desparate to say he got down with Jon Benet Ramsey th...
Posted by Greasy GC on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 05:09:00 PST

I've Never Admired Another Man's Balls Before...But

If you didn't hear about Steven Colbert's Face 2 Face dis on the President your like alot of people. Most press outlets have downplayed the event which wins a Steel Balls award any day. Check out the ...
Posted by Greasy GC on Thu, 04 May 2006 01:06:00 PST

Hot Grease Assault

PHILADELPHIA - A fast-food worker tossed a cup of hot grease on a customer, giving the woman second- and third-degree burns on her arms and chest, authorities said.My skin was cooking, said Vouncile L...
Posted by Greasy GC on Thu, 04 May 2006 11:40:00 PST

I'll see you in Hell

Truth became stranger than my fictional biography today. Here is a real life story of a deaf person being shot by gang members who misinterpreted his sign language as a threat:
Posted by Greasy GC on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 05:51:00 PST

Greasy On NBC!!!

The other night the NBC show "Surface" used a Greasy fuckin beat (The song is "Gravity" by Nasty Breeze - which is available at in the episode. That's network $$$$ ...
Posted by Greasy GC on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 01:35:00 PST