Repping, Reading, Music, not being a tool, Star Wars (which apparently makes me a nerd), Watching the New York Yankees.... Represent! Not much else... what else is there to life? Wha Wait a minute philosophy in a my space blog like entry? This must be a joke... oh wait it is, a bad one at that.
slutty girls :)Take the quiz:
Which LOST character are you?
You are Locke You are the Ambassador of the island. You can be a wierdo at times, but you know more than anyone else.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Sigh, where to begin... I listen to mostly anything except rap and country. Hell I probably have some of those types of cd's as well that I will occasionally listen to ... well no not country that music sucks it big time. All damn twangy guitars and same vocal monotony. The music I'm mostly into is Rock though and i'm not talking about that lame eyebrow lifting bad movie acting Wrestler either.
Well let's see since I have over 200 dvd's I'd say I'm a pretty big fan. Not gonna go into every movie but I'd say the Star Wars movies are up there. Along with Godfather parts 1+2 not the terrible part 3, Rocky, Pulp Fiction, Nightmare on Elm Street, Fight Club, Friday the 13th, America Pie, Harold and Kumar (KOOOOMAR) go to white castle (Ah White Castle.... mmmmmm), Meet the Parents, Better off dead, Six String Samuraii, Highlander, Yankeeography vol 1 + 2 amongst many others.... Oh yeah of course the classic movie that is my life as of now Office Space.
Consists of Lost, 24, Simpsons, Family Guy (which I was watching way back when the rest of you though Dawson's creek [thin pre Tom Cruise Katie Holmes Represent] was great television) and South PArk.
Too many Star Wars books to list, Last night of the Yankee Dynasty by Buster Olney is great, Just read the Davinci code which was ok now reading Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. Other great books include The Stand by Stephen King, Jurassic Park (the original not the sequel) by Michael Crighton, The Shining by Stephen King, and American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis (odd book but interesting read).
My Dad.