This video is an example of one person's passionate dream becoming reality!! I *LOVE* the SING Campaign, and all the hope that it represents. What are YOU "DOing" to show compassion today?
Please think twice before "trading in", or discarding your computer system and other electronics. This video is a real eye- opener to what actually can become of them.I *LOVE* Humanity.. and passionately believe ALL humanity deserves to be treated with equal respect, dignity- and compassion. Please visit this site: if you feel this way, too. : ) Here's a video you might find interesting. I DO hope that you're having a "Happy Sparkle Thoughts" sort of day, and being treated kindly.
Every Human Has Rights from The Elders on Vimeo .I SUPPORT THE SING CAMPAIGN!!! AND- this video explains why. : ) SUCH wonderful things CAN be accomplished with genuine passion, compassion, information.. and medication.
Please- if you are interested, and feel moved and inspired, visit the Treatment Action Campaign's official website at
I greatly admire those who are genuine- and have the ability and passion to try to make life better for humanity.It is within each and every person's power to make a difference in someone's life. Sometimes individuals need a "hand up" not only a "hand- out". Become a volunteer, teach someone for free, be purposefully kind. Every bit of compassion helps.
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Here's something else you might not be aware of, but.. as it pertains to the overall well- being of our planet, I would like to offer this video for you to view.. ponder- and? If you'd like to "BEE involved", please visit their website!I'm thinking that the person who designed this machine is capable of doing quite remarkable things for humanity- if he so chooses.