The Mount Pleasant Peacefull Rally was a succes, 'cause MPNA back fired themselves by attemptin that stupid move, hey!! we stoped authorities from breaking down a structure & it gave us the all day spotlight, it brought us higher amount of people, Mass Media, neighbors from all races & lenguages, that didn't acnkoleged the issue, so & so, but @ the end...right when we were inside the MPNA meeting with Mayor Fenty, we were not given the chance to speak, we all kept our hands raised but MPNA was running the agenda so 1200 people outside were seen by The Mayor but were not let lay the message down on table, but we knew that was up, 'cause it was their party, we were just protestors & they were not gonna grant us with voice sience we had taken streets already... It is OK because now they realise that they have money & power but....we have El Pueblo & las calles so THINK: They breed, live & bleed for our votes on elections, here's when we hold the key of this great country, OK...? ..It was a battle we won, we have a all war to go through, this is just the begining not only for Hip-Hop but the arising of the new generations in Washington, DC... to learn more about it, Please visit