Songs of love and heart ache wrapped around a vintage drum kit and 6 electric guitar strings.
"....your archetypal powerful garage punk duo – Josh and Lilly – doing it for kicks with savage abandon. Their debut 4-track vinyl EP has just come out and the video for the track ‘Blind And Deaf’ reveals ’50s visual influences and a penchant for revenge and melodrama. There’s also some exceptional slide guitar playing on ‘I Used To’. Highly recommended for fans of The Black Keys, Pulp Fiction and flick-knives."
It's mastered, the art works done and the future is SONIC!!!! The first release from Duo-Sonic is available NOW! a 4 track self titled all original 7 inch red vinyl sonic sound coming to a record player near you!!! By it online at or see below for more information on how to get your hands on this hot wax!
You can buy direct from the band below, click on the corresponding button for your purchase and you can pay with PayPal. We also have some T-shirts available !!
Killer RED Vinyl - £5 + £2.50 P&P UK/Europe
Killer RED Vinyl - £5 + £3.50 P&P Worldwide
Mens T-Shirts - £10 + £2.50 P&P UK/Europe