An acquaintance recently told me that he was constantly evolving....he took the words right out of my mouth...because that is how I feel about myself...constantly evolving....trying new things delving into past interests, listening to everything, especially what is said to me, especially what is not said to me....listening.... taking on new challenges, relaxing, just when I think I'm done or I've done it all I find something else that bewitches me:) I will be 50 this year and I cannot fathom it as I certainly don't feel it, and there are sooo many things I still want to do, need to do, will do. I will go the Breeders Cup races this year in Louisville, I want to take up the violin, I will get that window done for Donna! Promise.. I will get to see David...I will get that other job:) and I def will b healthier. He also told me that he had too many skills to define..a renissaunce man so to speak.....that he had many accomplishments but he was most sucessful as father, teacher, provider. I thought how admirable it was for him to be most proud of those attributes.....I too have many skills, but I'm most proud of my ability to adapt, understand, and forgive. And that I do....
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