No time for bullshit. I've grown a lot as a person recently. I like hard work, genuine people, and dogs. I'm deeply disturbed by the state of America and the world. There is a lot we need to do as a species to protect the future of the planet, it's inhabitants and us. I have no time for apathy and negativity, there is to much to be done, and I've only got one life to make an impression. I'm not overly optimistic, I'm determined. I'm not a vegetarian,(yet) but I will not eat anything from the ocean we so badly abuse and I'm very selective of the meats I eat do to the terrible treatment of livestock. I hate commercial dog food, it's complete disgusting trash and I am appalled that America feeds this crap to our furry companions we love so much. Ignorance, that is what allows most of us to turn a blind eye to the world we live in. My sister is leaving to study marine biology in Monterey Bay California, this combined with a greater awareness from adopting shelter dogs has reminded me that the world needs my help no matter how small. I'm determined to do my part to help save the sharks, which not enough people realize are being obliterated by selfish greed. If you don't know what I'm talking about, that is part of the problem. I know people say how can we worry about animal well being when humans suffer from starvation and disease all over the world. don't get me wrong, i feel for these issues too, but there is no danger that humans are headed towards extinction anytime in the near future. Much of our natural wildlife, however, is. This bothers me deeply and it should you too. Look outside your sphere and you'll see a world that you can change.
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