to the main nigsBilly - dude ive nown u forever man. it kinda feels like yur my brother. yur a friken idiot but yur still my nig;] i remember the first time i tlked to u; it was the first day of hittn at football practise an u were the first person i had 2 go against, lets jst put it this way i avoided u frm then on lol. u may no be as beastly as u thnk an say u r but u still aight. ya im pritty sure ill no u 4 life.jesse - if there was ever a human beeing as clumsy as u i think he or she deserves an award. i have so many memories tht ill nevr forget bout u. uve been 1 of my best friends since the dipper ages. wether its sittn in yur house all day watchin espn or thts 70's show or ridn bikes all day long we always seem to have fun. yep yur a life longer 2.klub - ya yur the dumbest smart person ive ever meet. i swear if u were to ever crack open a book other than at skewl ud be einstn times 50 kirtrillion, but tht wuld jst be weird. i remember when we wuld jst sit in class an stare at people until it drived them isane lol mostly jackelynn. ya im sorry my friend the noles suck thts bout the only thing wrong wit ya. lol
already met
prity much everything
stripes, lord of the rings, harry potter, finding nemo, cars, blue streak, sand lot, cloverfield, talledaga nights, rush hour, surfs up, madagascar, troy, the passion of Christ,
dad, mom, Jesus Christ, snow white