About Me
new socks, friends, DREAMS, giraffes, slippers, mocha light frapuccinos, the BEACH, big sunglasses, my SEXY hubby, j-izzles, girlfriends, sales, SHOES, nail polish, FLOWERS, rainbows, free stuff, shooting STARS, singing, post-its, DANCING, letters, BUBBLES, love, clouds, spending money, mini skirts, late nights, FAMILY, scary movies, my dooney, h2o+, photography, getting lost, pedicures, night, meeting new people, parties, HUGS, straws, stickers, SPARKLES, doodling, anything romantic, DIAMONDS, 8, mascara, cooking, PINK, penguins, sexy movies, HOTELS, text messages, weekends, VACATIONS, juice, suntanning, warm clothes from the dryer, SNOWBOARDING, tea, dresses, captain mo, earrings, lil’ g, scarves, HOLIDAYS, fruit snacks, markers, fruit snacks, KISSES, corona, days off, snail mail, BIKINIS, love sacks, birthdays, lotion, SMILES, curls, cute undies, BALLOONS, shopping, kites, painting, ORIGINALITY, freckles, jeans, FUN, oranges, burst bees wax, SNUGGLING, decorating, lazy days, stripes, HOLDING HANDS, walks, fish, hiking, waterfalls, HAMMOCKS, big fluffy blankets, making someone else’s day, MUSIC, fountains, polka dots, concerts, CANDLES, old friends, inside jokes, HOT TUBBING, cookies, questions, making plans, PLAYS, goals, seashells, art, EXOTIC DESTINATIONS, spontaneity…
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