Hey, My name's Jonathan.
Some people call me Jon, or Jonny, or if you really know me, Jono. This is the part where I tell you a little bit about myself and what I do... and possibly how I got to where I am. I am one of five children, and grew up in a lovely home in Dallas, Texas. And yes, If your wondering I am one of those "Texans that's proud of it". Its a really great place... Some of the nicest people you'll ever meet reside in Texas. It was there that I discovered my passion for music. This is the part where a lot of bio's slide down hill into a heap of cliche metaphors and similes... I'm going to avoid that at all costs and approach this with a piece of humble pie in my system. I was in the seventh grade when three of my best buddies and I decided to go to the church and mess around with all the instruments on the stage (yeah, I was one of those kids.) From there, we formed into a band that in it's last state was called Midweek. We played all over Dallas, mostly in bars and clubs that we weren't even old enough to get into at the time. The band lived for about six years, and died when I decided to relocate myself to Savannah where I currently live and go to school. I don't regret my decision to move one bit, It was in that transition that God spoke to me in ways I had never experienced before. I began leading worship for the college ministry of Bull Street Baptist church, and since have been so blessed by it. On a weekly basis, I am challenged to look at my life and the things going on around me and try to hear the voice of God, because I'm certain it's there.
I'm at a point where I'm watching and learning and listening. More and more, I feel called into the music industry. Things happen for a reason, and I've experienced way too much to let music slip away. Keep checking back, in the next few years I expect this page to have more activity. As for now, I'll keep writing, praying and listening.
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